
Once again for a “live” show the only funny bits were the pre-recorded ones. The “The day I found out I was your father” home movies sketch was gold, and as usual the “please don’t destroy” guys were solid. “I love workaholics” almost made me choke on my coffee. Literally everything else about this shit fest was

I’m starting to think, and hear me out on this, that a 79-year-old producer might not be the best arbiter of what’s funny. 

That catering guy he punched would probably disagree

I find any one who uses ‘woke’ as an attack on people they disagree with to be either racist or out of touch.

I used to like Jeremy. He was just a racist homophobic piece of shart in the end. 

Clarkson has aged worse than anyone I can think of, My dad is 84 and looks younger and is in better shape than him. Also, all that money and you can’t afford a dentist? He looks like his breath would be horrendous.

He’s a rude bastard who most of us will NOT miss. 

James May’s latest India series of Our Man In... was really something. (It never felt condescending; rather, while acknowledging the challenge of approaching India as a foreigner, he showed me things about my country that I never knew about.)

Thinks awards are arbitrary jokes and also thinks that only movies about certain subjects deserve them

You know it’s not really about Barbie though, right? RIGHT? 

Nominating Ken but not Barbie is stupid and fits perfectly with the theme of the movie.

This sounds like one of Richard Hendricks’s elaborate gags that only he finds funny and spends a long time trying to explain the joke to his friends only for no one to get it on Silicon Valley.

There is still a lot of racial bias in terms of who gets to make films and who watches the films that are made. That said, most of the people I know who’ve seen Origin came away unimpressed, which is part of the reason that I haven’t seen it yet. Another reason is that it was released at a time when there are other

Agree. I wouldn’t call it the best Marvel show, stacked against stuff like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Loki and WandaVision. But it was definitely the most consistently fun.

That would be a huge shame if we don’t get more. I really enjoyed She-Hulk. It was consistently a lot of fun week to week. 

It’s cause her twin sisters keep taking all her work. 

She’s being honest. I prefer honesty over posturing any day.

Because of NBC’s diversity initiative she was able to hire a 23-year-old that had talent but had no professional TV experience. She may not have even seen his spec script if not for the writers program. He asked her about it and she told him the truth. Of the many cringeworthy things she’s done, availing herself of a

Tatiana being unable to find a job is one of the great travesties of Hollywood at the moment.

I didn’t realize there WAS a reference beyond Lohan being a redhead. And while the label is childish and silly, it’s hardly an aggressively mean insult.