That second one is actually the start of the episode, and the rest is all about him learning to not be transphobic, which the kind of people who post it always seem to leave out.
That second one is actually the start of the episode, and the rest is all about him learning to not be transphobic, which the kind of people who post it always seem to leave out.
Yeah, it’s mixed between “great Trek” and “greatest Trek”
I’d say there’s no big need for Trek movies as long as we have Trek shows. Trek movies have twice given the franchise a boost when there were no Trek shows.
I like to think I do a good job acknowledging that professional athletes in any sport are, at their core, hyper competitive individuals obsessed with being the best. You have to really, truly believe that to make it at that level. And for the most part, that’s totally fine if we’re on the topic of the thing that they…
The most recent iteration of the “culture war” certainly seems dumber than past iterations.
Unfortunately, his Peloton instructor couldn’t hear Nolan’s response because the background music drowned out his words.
You do realize that there is a middle ground between “everything Marvel does is amazing” and “there’s some superhero fatigue so everything Marvel makes is an unsalvageable mess,” right? Yes, recently some things have been underwhelming (Quantumania, Secret Invasion), and some have underperformed (The Marvels), but…
I’ll take Davies worship over the opposite, which seems to be Youtubers that decry all three 60th anniversary specials as focusing on a LGBT/political/woke agenda instead of just what they consider to be “good sci-fi”.
That’s true. For all their flaws, the Anniversary specials were very watchable. I was always entertained, and never bored.
As opposed to Chibnall, who was like “What if Broadchurch had aliens?”
Davies is cheesy, but Doctor Who is cheesy. That’s part of the appeal! Turning it into a serious prestige drama misses the…
I think much of the excitement is less “RTD is soo dreamy!!1" than “There’s hope for a watchable show now and holy shit Chibnall is even more dreadful in comparison”
Taran Killam is a rare Jack of all Trade SNL cast. He can be the Glue and do killer impression at the same time. Unfortunately he always get sideline by other stronger cast like Bill Hader, Kate Mckinnon, etc.
Think of how efficient the comments will be when we can curse Zaslav and Robbins at the same time!
If this dude is so bad, maybe just wait for him to say bad shit to mock him?
I mean he’s not wrong
seems weirdly aggressive
And there it is. I saw a number of people earlier this year predict that Zaslav’s goal was to make WBD more appealing for a merger of some kind.
Counterargument: recast him and use that to the advantage of the character (and the narrative) so that people don’t initially realize who he is. And then suddenly, SURPRISE! Hell, have a fucking ensemble of different Kangs. Who is Kang? It could be anyone we don’t already know yet, and maybe it’s even one or two minor…
Last Jedi set up so many possibilities, especially for Ren. They may as well have not made RoS.
Adam Driver is a wonderful host, but I am begging SNL to stop doing political cold opens. They haven’t been good since Tina Fey was doing Sarah Palin. They aren’t even good impressions anymore. They’re just dire, especially since this focused on a congressional showboating hearing most people didn’t follow.
Nail Timberlake for misogyny, lying, cowardice, and disrespecting Prince (or not, sometimes Prince had it coming and there’s a whole aside there regarding his narcissism and possible abuse). All that’s fair. But as someone who grew up black in the South, I’m just going to say...