
So, this Shell guy is going to head a conglomerate one year after being fired for sexual harrasment and be responsible for a plethora of content for a global audience? Then what’s the use of cancelling people like Louis CK and others if the people on top barely face any consequences?

That’s not what The Bear is about.

Biden has kept the economy from crashing for the last three years despite Trump’s efforts to destroy it before him. If you look at his record you’ll see he’s been competent for his entire term. The media circus in the last week over a fake cognitive decline is entirely manufactured astroturf, and either you are

Most liberals I know, and even many of the ones I see online, are admitting the obvious. Pity that Trump’s supporters can’t do likewise (the obvious in his case being that he’s also a very old man in serious cognitive decline, in addition to being a convicted felon and con man who surrounds himself with crooks and

Unless his entire cabinet has “cognitive decline” I really don’t care what some sneering shithead diagnoses from his dungheap.

You know what? Maybe “pretty dull TV” is EXACTLY WHAT WE SHOULD WANT FROM OUR PRESIDENT.

Plenty of people care that Trump is a lying sociopath, that’s a big reason for why he lost in 2020, and why he has never won a majority of votes despite eight years of the media and half our political establishment falling over themselves to worship him.

It’s just weird to me that Trump’s obvious cognitive decline (I mean, dude was on pause for a full 90-seconds) does not get discussed AT ALL, except by late night comedians.  I’m not comfortable with either choice, but at least I know Biden doesn’t surround himself with crony yes-men or the 2025 Project people (who

This is the stupidest non story of the year. Jetlagged guy with a stutter acts like jetlagged guy with a stutter during a debate with a 34-count convicted felon serial sexual predator who has declared he intends to be a dictator and replace all remaining government officials with his hand-picked cronies, and this

I support the notion that branding women as “difficult” is a sexist and damaging notion to women, but Heigl is also a notorious asshole who burned all her bridges her damn self without any studios needing to brand her as such (not that they didn’t).

Sexism is real and women are held to different standards than men, especially 20 years ago. But also, Heigl sounds difficult.  

That’s ironic, since Brittany Snow is arguably the most recognizable actor in X.

Caroline Siede/When Romance Met Comedy or gtfo (I know she’s of a later AVC era, but her writing was excellent)

Counterpoint: she’s just not a good actress and is uncharismatic, monotone, and dead-eyed in pretty much all of her roles. She’s at her best in talk show appearances when she’s just being a version of herself.

“Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the transphobes!”

Middle aged is not young.

I just don’t agree Hollywood is the *most* morally bankrupt place on the planet, nor that it has the *most* morally bankrupt people in the world, that’s all.

I dunno’. The Catholic Church still seems worse to me.

Now that's a real story about a loner. A rebel. 

Just guessing here, but I’d imagine a few days of the CEO’s pay + bonuses would easily fund the band for a full year.