
It’s perfectly acceptable for directors and other creators to talk about massive changes to their industry, and voice displeasure about directions things may be headed. The only specific person who I find gross in all this is Christopher Nolan, who used his clout to keep theaters open during a pandemic, and

All this.

You are conflating two distinctly different issues, Alex. And you seem to realize this very clearly, but it doesn’t seem to stop you from writing an article of ill consideration.

This show has delivered an excellent second season. I could spend some time to find some nitpicks, but overall the sense of joy I felt watching it is what I will choose to remember.

I didn’t send harassment or death threats to Snyder, so can I be excused from your fevered ranting?

I’m only going to be scandalized and outraged if Batman says “Fuck” when he’s like eight or nine and he’s just watched his parents get shot. A child swearing is just too much!

He did it on purpose to make Biden look bad.

With this ending and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend already over I don’t know where we are going to get our weekly dose of adorably abrasive busty women!

Ftanted I saw the prequels and sequels but largely my fandom is the ot and old Eu. Never seen rogue one, clone wars, Rebels.

So I’m a hardcore OT-is-the-only-real-canon, grew up watching the originals on VHS, was already an adult when the prequels came out, never read an old or new EU novel, and never got into the 21st century cartoons type of Star Wars fan.

I’m very much enjoying The Mandalorian, and I’ve never read a Star Wars EU novel or even watched any of the animated shows. I know the movies and that’s pretty much it. The appearances of characters that originated on those shows or in those books might mean more to the more-hardcore fans, but to me, there’s nothing

For what it’s worth, my wife has only seen the movies, and only liked a few, while I'm a massive nerd about it. We watch The Mandalorian together every Friday night and both enjoy the hell out of it. (Meanwhile my 11 year old, who's seen all movies and series has peaced out because various YouTubers told him Star Wars

I was never much into the old EU and I love it. I think I read a few of the early novels and was unimpressed so didn’t keep up and I played most of the Dark Forces games, but no KOTOR or any of the others. I did watch "Clone Wars" and "Rebels" which makes me very happy to see some characters like Ahsoka and Bo Katan,

I agree that sometimes it’s not well done. With The Crown it’s hit and miss. But if it’s the SOP rather than the exception, we would be wise to make our peace with it, as we have 2.5 seasons to go. I’m defending the concept because historical fiction would be pretty lousy without it, but I’ll cop to enjoying the show

I do think it was helpful, if perhaps historical inaccurate”

Don’t get snotty with me just because your own words have tripped you up, sunshine. You’re responsible for what you say, it’s not my fault you didn’t choose them carefully enough and don’t have a comeback when someone uses them against you.

Leaving aside the many episodes of Doctor Who that actually have been about real people, you might be failing to pick up any reasons why it shouldn’t be criticised from me because once again, I’m not arguing it shouldn’t be criticised. And I’ve said that before in as many words, which might be another reason why

Nice try, but I never said “it shouldn’t be criticised”. What I actually said was, it should be criticised on the basis of what it actually is.

Has to be said; for three seasons now, for better or worse this show has taken a generally sympathetic (albeit not entirely uncritical) and benevolent view on the British monarchy and the British establishment. It’s central characters are an unelected hereditary monarch, her family, the many aristocrats and high

Every season I come down into the comment section to find people complaining that the show isn’t catering to their specific political priors and it always confuses me. You basically want a different type of show entirely.

The point of the show is not to validate it’s viewers politics or be a social commentary. The