He really took a long time to find his groove, but now I think Keenan’s an SNL all-timer. I do think he’s underappreciated perhaps because a lot of people still remember his less stellar early years.
He really took a long time to find his groove, but now I think Keenan’s an SNL all-timer. I do think he’s underappreciated perhaps because a lot of people still remember his less stellar early years.
My gosh are we going to miss Keenan someday when he’s gone. What an SNL champ that guy is. That clipped cadence he brings to a lot of his roles is always on point. And he’s got versatility for days and days. To me he’s both a superstar and under-appreciated all at the same time.
He doesn’t “need” to do shit.
You had me at Rachel Bloom
I’d actually sort of wondered if Michael Che was involved in writing this, as he has written some odd pieces, he likes to push buttons, and he has had some stuff on the show in the past basically making fun of vain white women. At first I thought it was Anna Drezen, who has written a lot of sketches with Kate and Aidy…
Quibi and Moviepass should form a club made up of ideas that sounded massively unprofitable up front, turned out to be massively unprofitable in practice, failed immediately and spectacularly, and yet somehow still raised more money than the GDP of a mid-sized nation.
They could have saved a couple billion dollars and just asked some people what they thought of the idea. They would have quickly been told that the whole premise was bad.
Don’t care. At least the reboot told jokes.
No amount of planning or good governance?
WTF is you issue exactly? It’s a small business owner saying that we need a plan to deal with the pandemic so that it is safe to open again. JFC
Seriously. Space Mountain is a perfectly fine little roller coaster that I remember virtually nothing about. The Haunted Mansion is *amazing*.
Pirates and the Haunted Mansion may be a little silly, but to say that these classic rides aren’t “good” is straight up clickbait.
The honest dream is that he’s alive but requires treatment that’s impossible to hide, forcing him to either stay in the shadows or reveal his weakened state, both of which are a nightmare for a self-obsessed lunatic.
Congratulations for figuring out what neither Barsanti nor anyone commenting so far did.
So it’s the G-Wiz story line from the comics?
“most streamers never ask people for donations. They welcome them but never state “hey donate money to me””
To be fair, Greatest Showman made a truckload if money. So did the Mama Mias, Pitch Perfects, Lee Miserables etc. Musicals can be super profitable. I can see why execs thought it could make a lot of money.
Am I alone in generally not caring for Disney’s Oscar-bait “show stoppers” and preferring the more comedy-based numbers?
Not just at the time - to this very day Terminator 2 remains a movie that came out 7 months before Wayne’s World! True fact.
“It’s hard to picture how Aladdin might work if it didn’t have Robin Williams in full meta-frenzy, throwing air quotes over everything. I think it might be a better film, though.”