
This this this x 1000.

Here’s to hoping this turns into a massive protest of Trump and his entire presidency and the rhetoric he’s been expounding upon for the last 3 years.


Yes, vote like there’s a horse loose in a hospital.

The sandy hook tweet is as true now as it was then: these are spineless fucking cowards and the supporters out there who enable them. Fuck Jim bobs need for a fucking assault rifle, every gun but a fucking hunting rifle, shot gun and six shot hand gun needs to be outlawed and turned one needs or should have

if shooting people in video games leads to mass shootings, *why are we still making it so easy for them to buy guns then???*

Having a painful heart attack and stroke?

Oh sure it looks bad, but that's only because you put exactly what they said into print with the appropriate amount of context around it to get across exactly what they were trying to say!

We should stop calling them mass shootings when the lunatic has a racist manifesto. It is a terrorist attack by a White Supremacist and the face of the operation is the President.

I don’t know. Its not a stretch to connect the dot between Trump supporter and mental illness.  

Black shooters=Thugs/Animals

Strange how so many white male shooters are mentally ill AND are white supremacists AND support Trump, if not him personally, but his deeds.

If you had a disease that killed over 33,000 people a year, the government would take active measures to address that.

Oh Lord. (please help the USA)

It would be “too bad” if Trump fatally rage stroked-out and his disease riddled carcass toppled over and crushed Mike Pence’s soft skull.