
The only resolution I've ever kept is resolving to always keep a pen in my purse.

What, are you not a fan of FANNY PACKS?! But FANNY PACKS are so versatile! You can put so many things in a FANNY PACK.

(No they're not, they're terrible, but now I'm totally going to follow you around on here talkings about FANNY PACKS)

OOPS Oh yeah I forgot about teh menz.

The appropriate phrase for the female version of sausage party is clam bake.

The proper term for a collection of butt plugs is a stuffing. A stuffing of butt plugs.

I just want to talk about Karl aka Rodrigo. Why even bother with the rest of this ?

My darling Lindy,

I'm pretty sure God doesn't want to divinely inseminate slutty sluts, so your theory is very credible to me.

you know, correlation doesn't equal causation. Why are we assuming that the women who sign purity pledges are more likely to feel like they have to lie about how they got pregnant. Maybe God is just only willing to divinely inseminate women who are willing to sign purity pledges. Did you ever think of that science

This is why there are issues with discussing feminism as it relates to one person's actions, specifically a pop icon with devoted fans. I like Beyonce therefor I will find ways to connect her message to feminism. I don't like Beyonce therefor I will find ways to discredit the folks who say she is feminist. Beyonce

I'm surprised how many people have misunderstood the song so much. It's not saying that it sucks to be pretty. It's saying that there's a lot of pressure to be pretty and there are a lot of ways women are harming themselves to obtain that goal, and every woman has to deal with that pressure whether they're physically

You can probably carve out that zone for yourself by not clicking on articles that are specifically and entirely about Beyonce.

Aww, you must feel so special. It really irks you to have the hard work of a black woman acknowledged and lauded for the achievement that it is, huh?

People are worried about abuse of child and women in the FLDS church. I get that. But that conduct is already illegal. We need to do a better job of preventing it in the specific situations where it occurs, including in non-polygamous situations. (I say this as a survivor of child abuse.)

Have looked through all six rooms in my apartment (including the bathroom) and am unable to uncover a single fuck to give about how many consenting adults someone wants to marry.

I love the internet!!!

Assuming the $72 is pre-tax and $21837 is post-tax as your post seems to indicate, your roommate's sister worked approximately 115 hours a week for the entire month of December? I personally would not refer to 505 hours in a month as "a few hours." That's 16.3 hour days for 31 days straight. Your roommate's sister