
So perfect! Bravo!

Video is unavailable? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Oh pretty please! Can Joss Whedon be in charge too? I would die of happiness.

Me too :(

HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT THAT? Ugh. You win. That is the worst.


I don't know. Did you stop talking to me when you became a cheerleader in high school?

I take back everything I said to my BFF in 8th grade about her being wrong about Lance being the cutest one. HE IS SO THE CUTEST ONE.

Well, that is both racist and a gross mental image. I take it back, cheesedick is not my new favorite.

I only know from the definition posted, but how is it racist?

I was unfamiliar with the term cheesedick until just now, but it is my new favorite.

She just said on twitter that it was "She's the shit"

Holy shit. I did not make this connection. (Sadly I have seen the awful adaptation of the awful Atlas Shrugged). MIND BLOWN.

My husband and I were going to have a ring bear-er, but it ended up not happening. I am delighted by that blurry photo. Instagram on, my friend!

My husband and I joked about doing that, but we did not.

Thanks a lot. I had never heard of Target Women, but now I'm watching them ALL on YouTube. There goes my afternoon.

Agreed. It's one of those stores where I try not to make eye contact with an employee because they are so cheerful and want to help me too much.