
I am so stoked for this!!!!!! The trailer gives me all the feelings!!!!!!!

oh troll. you done trolled.

Anyone else mildly concerned that Streep and Mulligan might actually act each other to death in this thing?

yeaaaaahhhhhhhhh i have a brother and sister who both consider themselves good Godly people but they still have a terrible attitude toward our Mom. the human brain has an amazing capacity for fuckery. for justifying shit.

Omfg. I'm so sorry. What a nightmare.

i honestly cannot muster words to react to this in a helpful way, but seriously, i’m sending you major internet hugs and if you ever need to vent or anything, i’m here for you.

I don’t understand why anyone hates anyone unless they are pedophiles, rapists, murderers etc. Most of the hate is based on superficial, mostly unverifiable shit. I dislikes bunch of people but truly hate none.

Not trying to be weird by recommending everything, just trying to get it all out of the grays!

I hate to say it but honestly reevaluate your friends. They are wrong and should be much more supportive.

Someone downthread said, “you don’t deserve that,” and because I’m feeling unoriginal, I’m gonna repeat it. Because fuck those people. Hope things get awesome for you soon!

It makes sense that this would bring it back. But dwelling on it? That sounds judge. Sometimes we need to revisit bad things to clean out the last of the infection. Your friends sounds sort of dickish.

::hugs:: I don’t have an answer, but I can offer support. I’m so sorry you had to go through that, and are still dealing with fuckheads. Some people are just terrible.

wait wait wait

I live in a big city in the US and it’s still getting put on here regularly. The laziness of putting on the Vagina Monologues year after year is a global problem.

I'm so sorry for what happened to you, but you are an incredibly strong person. Don't forget that your feelings here are totally valid, don't shame yourself for feeling this way. I wish you the best, and I hope you are having treatment for your PTSD? I know a lot of people who have had EMDR treatment for PTSD and

You’re welcome. I too have had friends who advised me to take the high road and let stuff go and it’s always for their convenience, not mine. Then I met a girl who spray-painted, markered(this was before Sharpies) everywhere“x is a rapist” after a date-rape and university inaction drove her to a suicide attempt. The

Best of luck to you and I wish you all the strength in the world in your continual healing process. I am sorry you have to go through all this.

That is horrible! You have the right to be furious, and those who tell you otherwise are wrong.

You have every reason and right to be angry. Sexual assault and rape are not matters to be joked about or minimized. As a male victim of sexual violence you have my total support and solidarity.

You have the right to set the boundaries that you need to set for your happiness. And you have far more people out in this

WHAT THE FUCK. such bull shit.