
Not sure if anyone has brought this up (too lazy to read all the comments below) but V-Day has verrrry strict requirements about people performing this play. I have been involved in several productions on every side of TVM (acting, directing, producing, etc) and it absolutely has to be a non-profit performance. If the

Those people are terrible, and your feelings are absolutely valid. I hope their venue of choice gets a wasp infestation. Here’s some baby animals:

Everything you are feeling is valid and nothing is your fault. As others below have said, you are strong, you should never be ashamed of what you are feeling, and , everyone associated with that theatre should be ashamed of themselves.

Have you heard of EMDR? It’s a really successful, non-drug legit treatment for PTSD. If you have insurance, look for a licensed therapist that uses this method. They can teach it to you very easily, it may help you gain control of some of your PTSD.

i’m so glad you’ve found some support and compassion here. and yes, fuck ‘em. life’s too short.

Much love to you, Peachy. I’m sorry this happened to you, and is still happening to you. I remember the idea of “artists don’t rape” that ran through my circle. It was and is a horrific attitude, and a big part of why I broke away. They may never understand what role they played in your pain. Fuck them. You deserve

The fact that they are sending you invites shoes that they are a bunch of fucking assholes who should go live on Mars. I’m so sorry you had to go thru that and I hope you have a good support system. I’m sending you lots of love virtually. Your feelings are completely valid and they are in the wrong and should go fuck

Oh man, your friends need to learn some damn empathy. This isn’t you dwelling on some guy who went on one date with you two years ago and never called you back, this is you getting assaulted and then being punished for getting assaulted by a whole group of people. Shit like that takes a long time to get over. I hope

i’m so so sorry you’re going through that. i think your feelings are absolutely valid and right on. i would also be horribly angry and devastated by their choice to do that particular show given how they treated you. you definitely don’t have to support them just because they’re doing their good “feminist” deed for

I'm so sorry for everything that has happened & is currently happening. Sending hugs.

That blows. I’m sorry.

Show up on opening night wearing a name-naming sandwich board detailing your assault.

Damn, that is fucking horrible and you have every right to be furious.

I don’t know who you are, and probably never will, but you are a strong person. You have gone through something horrible, something that most social structures we have in place do not address. It was not fair for life to treat you this way. Don’t be ashamed of how you feel, and don’t ever believe it was your fault.

When I saw this headline I thought “what she needs to sell is her secret of how to go from being a child star to a mature, stable adult”. And she’s a cool chick too!

OH! OH! ME! ME! Can I tell my Shirley Temple story? Of course, I’ve totally screwed up the punchline just by the subject, but here goes: 8 or so years ago, maybe 10, I was in the local market in Woodside, CA. I grew up in the area and I am in my 50s, so I’ve met a lot of people and I am pretty terrible with facial

As adorable as Shirley Temple is I cannot stand that version of A Little Princess. I mean it’s very close to the book, which is probably why it is horrible, but the Alfonso Cuaron version just elevates that story to glory.

I mean the Indian character?? UGH. And of course he is her butler or whatever in that dream she

In 7th grade, I chose to give a presentation on Shirley Temple Black and her post-Hollywood career. I think the assigned topic was just inspirational women or something. The internet wasn’t so hot back then, so I wrote her a letter, hoping for a form letter from her secretary to include in my report. Instead I

Oddly, the first Shirley Temple film I can remember seeing wasn’t one of her early films, but rather The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer. I didn’t see her in child roles until sometime later.

WEIRD!!!! I saw a VHS copy of Shirley Temple’s The Little Princess at a junk shop this morning, and said to my boyfriend, “I used to watch the crap out of that movie when I was a kid. I’d basically just watch it on repeat.” Seriously, not 8 hours ago. Clearly, this is a sign I must go back and purchase it.