
I just assume every athlete uses it and I don't really care

She sucked at her job. That’s it. No big deal, it happens to lots of people. Men and women. But her endless whining has become insufferable. Just go away.

I don't know. If you do something he doesn't like - talk on the phone too loudly while he's watching his favorite show and he slaps you hard in the face without warning, that'd be justified, not abuse, right?

Here's hoping your spouses wise up and leave you. <3

They've been taught for years not the hit women, taught that any retaliation or protection of themselves will seen as abuse toward her and that they are the bigger and stronger one so they should be able to take it.

Hitting is hitting. It doesn't matter who is the hittee and who is the hitter. Saying that women can't inflict as much damage on men because of their relative sizes is total bullshit and doesn't excuse the lack of control people exhibit if they hit their significant others. If this was a comment thread with a bunch of