
As if I needed another reason to hate these self-aggrandizing pieces of shit.

Guess he won’t be robbing any more banks anytime soon.


He's right.

I’m guessing those non-existent children will stay non-existent for a while to come. At least, I hope so.

“did something white folks don’t like” = commit a violent crime

God, get over it.

You sure are lucky you live in 2016, when it’s possible to make a living (or close to one at least) by incessantly whining online.

All of this is dumb just have a single, gender-neutral event. Let the best athletes—men, women, or otherwise—compete. Who could be opposed to this?

I’m sure the feeling is mutual.

You are almost the perfect satire of the bitter, lonely shrew, but I fear that you might actually be serious.

Agreed. Legalize it all. I want to watch the best athletes, regardless of whether they have chemical, genetic, or other advantages.

I love this guy. He just highlights how far we’ve fallen as a country. He’s what a man is supposed to be, not some footy-pajama wearing, vegan soy latte-sipping little fem-boy.

Enjoy your jokes. We run the world.

What kind of monster were you at 16? She was more than old enough to know that killing is wrong. And people like her don’t get any better. She will always be a drag on society, but at least now we get 40 years during which we won’t have to worry about her hurting any innocent people.

I gain from not having to live in a world where monsters like her walk free.

I think you meant 5'4" “man”.

Of course this is the top response. “Why can’t it be a disabled, trans woman of color?! Jeez, its 2016! Hello! I just can’t even.”

Victim blaming? It’s a self help book. What kind of help can a book be if its message is “Life isn’t fair. Everybody is trying to hold you down. You won’t be able to succeed because misogynist society won’t let you.” Even if that’s true, what use is it in a self help book?

She sucked at her job. That’s it. No big deal, it happens to lots of people. Men and women. But her endless whining has become insufferable. Just go away.