
I have a weird heart-crush on your Heeler. Pls gib kisses for me!

Keep in mind that Nixon and Kissinger prolonged the Vietnam war on purpose when his reelection came up, knowing that the country would be wary about unseating an encumbent president in the middle of war.... hmmm.... Nixon’s actions are certainly rhyming with Trump ordering a surge of troops in Afghanistan... our

Keep in mind that Nixon and Kissinger prolonged the Vietnam war on purpose when his reelection came up, knowing that the country would be wary about unseating an encumbent president in the middle of war.... hmmm.... Nixon’s actions are certainly rhyming with Trump ordering a surge of troops in Afghanistan... our

Keep in mind that Nixon and Kissinger prolonged the Vietnam war on purpose when his reelection came up, knowing that the country would be wary about unseating an encumbent president in the middle of war.... hmmm.... Nixon’s actions are certainly rhyming with Trump ordering a surge of troops in Afghanistan... our

Well, it’s not really “our” nation anymore... we’re essentially a colony of Russia at this point

I think it was a hasty decision, and not enough time to do a smoother resignation. I think Trump got freaked out at how he looks after Yates’s open testimony. And then Comey is (WAS) scheduled to do a similar public testimony on Thursday. So Trump had 48 hours to keep that from happening, ergo the hasty firing without

Ha! But then I need to spend time opposing the minority-victiiiiims, because white people are the real victims!

Seriously, that woman stopped aging once she got onto the Hollywood scene. Her bone structure? To. Die. For.

I’m with ya. It makes sense that evolutionarily there should be a certain proportion of people that are the “night-watch” people of the tribe. There’s gotta be some people who tend the fire at night, keep an eye on predators, etc. I’ve also read some convincing research that night-owls tend to be introverted / very

I’m not sure if you’ve seen the film, but the term “Nocturnal Animal” is a pet name (not very cute, but whatever) of the ex-husband to the lead character, who is an insomniac. The title doesn’t imply that humans are nocturnal, but that the lead character seems to live during the night because of her insomnia / her

Wow, interesting fact re. the Communist ties! Will have to look further into it. Down the Wikipedia sinkhole I go!

It’s nepotism at it’s best / worst!

Ooh, Parvenu! Studied that term in my Marketing of Luxury class!

I WILL say ... his gel eyeliner is divine. Priced really high, but excellent quality. His nail polish also is my favorite — it has this plasticine shine even without any top-coat, self-levels, and doesn’t bubble. It’s magical paint.

She has gotten where she is because she’s Oprah’s best friend. Gayle King has no journalism chops, very slim intellectual capacity, and is clearly very privileged (hey Oprah’s BFF is cushy job). If she didn’t have tangential fame through Oprah, all the connections, and her employers’ implicit fear of the O, she

When she swerved away from his attempt at kissing her, I was like *we hear you honey.... blink once if you need to escape*

Ivanka is saddest of all because she clearly at least has some amount of poise and at least some brain in there.

Well, he’s not much for actually paying for services rendered, because *ew, tradespeople* ... so he’d be better for the gilding industry if he just left them well alone. But I get your point... his tastes are like Rococco on acid.

Oh okay I see what you mean.

I’m a feminist, but I don’t think that everyone’s a potential Harvard grad. See? Stupidity and intelligence are handed out in essentially equal amounts regardless of gender. See? I’m at least one counter-example to your statement. Now you can’t say that all feminists think that. Care to admit that at least one human