Am I the only one who thinks the movie was Two Weeks Notice? It's just over ten years old.
Lube is love. Lube is life.
Someone should warn them about that one episode of Star Trek TNG.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. Fox news talks about aliens all the time. Just a different kind than the History Channel.
I am also a CIA operative. It’s definitely true and not at all made up. I’m from the division that deals with aliens. Can I have some money to say my dumb ideas on tv now? I have lots of really stupid ones. Promise.
I live in the middle of the woods so I see all sorts of bugs pretty much daily and they don’t really bother me but when I was sixteen, a poisonous spider (doctors never were sure which one because so many live here but probs brown recluse) climbed into my bed and bit me while I slept. By lunch the next day my ankle…
While we’re at it, let’s charge people extra to use wheelchair ramps. And blind people, well helping them read the menu takes way too long so they should get a huge extra charge. Or maybe, just maybe, restaurants shouldn’t discriminate because of a medical condition, if not because it’s a shitty thing to do then at…
Was that before or after he died on the Titanic?
We need to make a new game: High fashion or Walmart.
Just for funsies I wanna rage out when someone call me Peach even though, ya know, that’s my name.
I recently entered my Catholic uni’s raffle for a free trip to see the Pope speak in DC because I wanted to get drunk on a lawn instead of go to class for two days. I’m not even Catholic. I’m fairly certain that Jesus made me lose that raffle.
Meanwhile, if I ever got over my fear of balls (no laughing) long enough to play a badass game of tennis, I’d be on the floor at the end. They could roll me home. The reporters should be glad she even bothered to answer their stupid ass questions.
If he took the name from a real person, can this fit the criminal definition of identity theft? If he doesn’t stop, can the real person send bad poet guy a cease and desist? Any lawyers hanging around who can weigh in?
heal a wide variety of conditions including Down’s syndrome,
Movie stars should stick to fashion lines and leave the stuff that might kill you to scientists.
Oh good lawd. It’s like she’s trying to become a redneck cliche.
I feel like there are enough period stories here to have a whole article just about them.