
I came here to say the same, thanks for keeping watch on the wall, Peaches. Happy Holidays, we see you girl!

Ugh, not this sh!t again. I thought she’d given up by now.


It’s why I take the screenshots that really piss her off (because I therefore have evidence).

Its weird because they bury the harassment. I remember seeing Mim, Bardot and other Meteor comments and them always being so nice... so they clearly know how to bury the bully comments deep in threads.

I knew this was all familiar, I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

Definitely going to back up Peaches here. It’s so obvious it’s Meteor. Not only was this account started at the exact end of last year (4 days after totally not Meteor “WaitingForBardot” disappeared) but already the same writing style (random capitalisation, bolding, frequent use of emoji text), life details

I don’t want to start shit at all - my only thing is how are you tired if you only just started posting on 12/31 and none of the posts refer to any accusations.

Thank you Peach.

No thanks for the heads up. I will tread lightly.

Thanks for the passive aggression. Yes but not on the front pages and it’s inappropriate for Dirt Bag to include an author’s passing in my opinion. The comments today are so cranky, like one of the last opportunities of 2017 to stick the elbow in.

Awesome, good looking out. Will keep Watch On The Wall. Here’s hoping she gets the message, while realistically understanding if that were to happen, it would have already, a while ago.

Band Name: Bardot Burner
First Album: Lady in Grey
(I can do vocals if they don’t have to be good or sound pleasant in any way)

I just finished reading that whole mess. Sounds very personal and their issue with you has been brewing for sometime. She would not have accepted your help, even if she was on fire and you had water. Don’t let it get to you. Many here appreciate you and you’re why I try to bring receipts when I can. If she’s intimated

Adam Driver falls into the “sexy but not necessarily attractive” category for me. His voice and the way he speaks really does it for me. I’d honestly do him so dirty he’d forget his own name for a few days. The emo, broody schtick hasn’t done it for me since I was a teenager but I’d give Kylo Ren the best 40 minutes

*clicks link, reads posts*

Although we stopped short of revoking their black cards (which requires a two-thirds vote from the Global Organization Dedicated to the Descendants of Africans, Moors and Negroes—GODDAMN)

Just to back up Peaches here but I have no idea mate how we don’t have any form of community moderation enforcement but this is what we’ve been dealing with. Just in the last day Peaches found Bardot (Meteor) throwing our names under the bus in another thread for no reason (something Meteor has done a lot which I have

Ya that horseshit she’s slinging is coming from her own mouth, which is in itself a garbage bin. There have been several reports of that as well. Happy Holidays, we see you girl.

Glad to hear documentation is taken.