
It’s exactly him. Comment history bears out.

I make a mean pine bark and needle salad. The secret is in the tinsil garnish.

I agree. I get what Peaches meant (I read her clarifying post) but I would not be satisfied by anything less than a complete lack of exposure to this person. Since that seems unlikely, I will limit my exposure as best I can. I’m limiting my comments on the matter as well to avoid drawing her attention, but frankly

My grandfather and his estranged second cousin have been stealing at least parts of the same hive for literally longer than I’ve been alive (see: The American South). I think you’re probably right, and it’s beekeepers replenishing their own hives more than rookies starting out.

She said she felt “embarrassed”, “really sad”, “harassed” and “belittled.” She probably just wanted the situation to be over so she could leave and process what happened. Also, her daughter was there so maybe she didn’t want to escalate the situation in front of her?

There’s a specific few actions that immediately point the new accounts out to me but I won’t say them for obvious reasons.

I know. Anyone who stops believing her stuff is a bully.

I never understand cashiers who care enough to report stuff like this. I remember I used to work in a sort of high end place, and there were a group of girls who ran a gift card scams and I never paid attention, because who gives a fuck. 

Otherwise Landis will try to sue my kinja burner?

I know right. But that’s her thing too. It’s why the moment Short and myself locked heads that time she came sauntering in badmouthing me, bigging up the fact she knows she will be loyal to Short, and then tells Short to go after me.

Same, I saw you replying to someone about Meteor and saw that they’d just so randomly out of left field started telling someone we’re both evil for... documenting someone’s harassing and telling others about it whenever she tries to spread crap about us.

I know right. Thought we were finally Meteor free and then suddenly re-emerges pretending to be yet another random account who totally isn’t Meteor but just a coincidentally new account created coincidentally just after the Mim account went silent and just so coincidentally shares the same expressions and writing

I apologise that Meteor (or whatever Bardot or Mim name she’s going by now) is randomly trying to involve you in this bizarre and months long attempt to badmouth me off the site.

No matter how much we earn, or how much we play respectability politics, we will never be seen and accepted as equal and deserving.

Everyone knows Jessica Chastain is (...was?) my favorite actress. She doesn’t get a pass from me. I am very disappointed by her response to this. No apology. No promise to be a better ally. No acknowledgement that she fucked up at all.

I have sent a letter to the appropriate parties concerning the stalking and harassment. You might want to keep this in mind as you continue to dog me.

Not only that, but during the interview for this magazine (which was recorded), with all these other women present, Kate Winslet again praised Woody Allen and his female characters. Kate is insufferable, but none of these women called her out on that, either.


Exactly. Also, how in the name of GAWD is Kate Winslet on that cover with all her goddamn “Woody Allen is a woman!” bullshit? Jesus. She is helping perpetuate/normalize a child rapist right now. It boggles the mind. What about Lupita N’yongo or Salma Hayek, both Weinstein victims who got pushback? Instead they use

That comment has way too many stars. They know they wouldn’t put up with that shit if Matt Damon’s dumb ass was like, “I’m for gender equality, but like what can I really do? Let’s just talk about it more on twitter.”