
Shame on that white trash big girl for being star struck. Who does she think she is, growing up poor and abused with a shitty life and thinking she can talk to celebrities and DARE TO ASK FOR A PHOTO. Those inferiors really need to learn their places.

TO back up peaches Morgana is Meteor, the troll who attempted to harass many people, including myself, off the site.

Just to back up Peaches.

Oh, I understand feeling the need to step in. Her attacks on your burner name were insane and I don’t think there’s anything to be gained from trying to understand her motivation for all of this since she seems committed to continuing her abusive behavior. I’d suggest in addition to warning others, let kinja support

Honestly, I just saw the warnings you were giving others and I started reading some of the crap she posted about you yesterday and it pissed me off. Tomi has a good point and I’ve been avoiding engaging with all trolls for quite some time now, but seeing some of the things she wrote about you just rubbed me the wrong

Going to week’s old posts is another one of her signatures. I’m getting sick of both her and that sh!thead friend of hers. As far as I’m concerned, anyone who knows her history and sticks by her is just as sick as her.

Tonya was definitely a victim of sexist double standards long before the attack. She was rough around the edges, and she was downgraded for it as opposed to being ranked on her sport, but NFL players can do drugs, commit domestic abuse, get physically violent, and mouth off publicly and no one cares.

There are no words for this sh!t. She threatened a CHILD.

You and your friend can go fuck yourselves. You seriously need to move on and get over yourselves. Get help.

Thank you. Haven’t been posting much lately, so appreciate the heads up.

I’m sorry for your loss. I only hope healthcare professionals can read this and reassess how they treat their patients. When my mother died, I remember reading through her autopsy report and she had illnesses that I wasn’t even confident she even knew she had or got addressed.

Because the article writer said this:

This is adorable, but heartbreaking for me right now. My glorious Queen Nefertiti (tortie/tabby mix, white feet and a spectacular white tummy) went missing a few nights ago (and she never went farther than the neighbors porch), and I am of the belief the coyotes got her.

Glad you know your worth. You got this, girl.

FYI, I’m a ‘she’, -_-

I remember. It’s just been quiet lately and I assumed she moved on or found something better to do with her life. I guess negative attention is better than none for some people.

Mate the guy’s a joke. He hops over here from Jalopnik to just spout shit at people on this site and never has anything to add to anything.

I love it.

+10 points