
I hear that, but I also think part of the counter-argument is in your anecdote: dealers deal with such shit from people day in and day out, it’s a miracle they don’t shiv customers on the regular. I’m sure they don’t get as shitty a base pay as restaurant servers, but I do wonder if their salaries are somewhat

man, my one casino experience was dropping in on a reservation casino in California on a week night. it seemed to me that all the sad regulars there knew all the dealers’ names and were legit friendly (in light of this article I should probably amend that conclusion). i sat down to play hold ‘em at the lowest limit

wait, does he really play with that enormous earring in? the fuck?!

this isn’t getting enough God’s love

Manzel is obviously Quirinus Quirrell. That evil thing under his helmet is Jerry Jones. Or a metaphor for alcoholism.

boom goes Kobe’s ACL

this seems like the most raiders-y crime ever

my advice would be to start individual counseling that then involves couples counseling.

pretty sure Gerg thought of “007 and 0” in the shower and then constructed a whole column around that one pun

holy shit that’s some awesome cover art for a Senate report! how often does that kind of thing happen?

this is special kinja

wait, how do you figure? I thought SoE has been slowly getting more prolific. did i miss something nefarious?

just sent this to my german-speaking friend and he’s saying the subtitles are not true translations of the german, but that they are part of the meta-on-meta-on-meta joke

otherwise known as the Josh Lyman!

christ you’re right

my god, that sounds awful. that’s making me rethink any and all public farts I’ve let slip on the sly.

kinda-sorta seems like a riff on Elegy for a Dead World


my thought was that the woman was dared by her friends to say this (or she lost a bet)

Well, here’s the tricky part: if you do a subtle match/compliment, it looks great. If she’s, say, wearing a red dress and you go with a red vest and red pocket square and red tie...then, yeah, prom. You’re not going to piss anyone off if you’re not coordinated in any way, but small touch (a lapel flower, a patterned