"platonic Browns" =/= "Platonic Browns"
"platonic Browns" =/= "Platonic Browns"
Prince AP, fabulous he, beater of children...
mild take: the constant linking to his column archives is, I think, the polar opposite of the median sports windbag who says whatever they want with little to no accountability. I'm not trying to underestimate the dude's enormous ego, but the constant archive linking seems at least a head nod toward defending his…
"It worked to perfect."
It's not a filter in the same sense as a cigarette filter. A joint filter is a rolled piece of cardboard at the bottom of a joint that keeps the smoking side from getting all soggy and what not. It's not actually filtering anything.
I can attest to having a tough time with pink pork. It's taken a long time unlearn that knee-jerk reaction, but I'm getting there! I swear!
Ah that makes sense. And if Burke's shot doesn't materialize, doesn't really matter what his preferences are.
interesting, haven't thought of him as an SG, simply because dude is so small to begin with and has/is capable of legit ball handling and distribution (though I'm pretty much a novice when it comes to more advanced notions of NBA-level positioning).
As a Michigan alum it hurts my soul that Trey Burke isn't panning out for you guys.
baltimore resident here, lovin the love