
That being said the Guardian sucks and their coverage is aimed at sour faced English middle class wankers so this is a toss up.

Then I tend to wonder if you’re a fan of Bond in general. Because although Skyfall is absolutely dumb as a bag of rocks, that still somehow makes it more clever than the back half of Connery’s run, just about all of Moore’s, 75% of Brosnan’s, and half (so far) of Craig’s. And while I agree its treatment of women is awf

Oh my god, I forgot about that! Holy crap, I was yelling at the screen.

TBF all James Bond does is rape. Like in the last film, he killed a guy then raped the widow at the guys funeral. Like James Bond is a metaphor for imperialism bro. An English man who comes into a foreign land and rapes and murders with impunity all for The British Government's sake. He's imperialism.

Wait, what about the bit where Q, tech genius (in the Apple Genius Bar™ mould it seems), plugs a fucking laptop from the villain directly into MI6's own network?!

Mostly when M recklessly endangered the lives of, what, fifty government employees for literally zero reason by continuing to blather on in a hearing instead of, you know, evacuating when there was an urgent and credible threat against her life. 

Last few Cs this site has given out I’ve really enjoyed. Getting to the point a bad review here is as much a reason to check something out as a good review was 6 years ago.

I thought Mobius’ death was supposed to be the Coulson Moment of the show.
The thing that finally gets Loki to settle on a heroic path. Well, at least semi-heroic.

Loki IS a thousand-year-old demigod trained in a warrior culture so it’s not super surprising that he would be good at fighting, whereas the TVA people are used to relying on weapons and the general confusion of their adversaries.

I’m actually kind of loving it, because it’s been fun to see someone who is usually five steps ahead playing catch-up to people who barely see him as a presence, let alone a threat. If the show had much more than two episodes left I could see it wearing out its welcome for me, though.

To be fair, RoS wastes every single actor and concept, including Ian McDiarmid, whom they brought in because they went “damn we have no idea what to do because we didn’t plan this shit at all, let’s hope we can coast on Palpatine’s charisma”.

Some fair criticisms, but this one:

I don’t know if “romance” is what Loki’s experiencing as much as genuinely caring for someone besides his mom; it’s clear that neither he nor Sylvie knows what that means because of how their lives have unfolded up to this point. Now, why this would register as a blip on the TVA’s radar could come down to each one

*bigger blonde wig.

Surely the scene where Sylvie shows Hunter B-15 memories of her past life was meant to be a flashback montage, not just two women standing in a rainy parking lot”

This isn’t meant as a defense, as I have the same issue, but I think it’s by design. They seem to be setting up that Loki’s have inherently powerful magic in them that is just channeled into some outlet. So for example the reversing tower in the last episode was actually him using magic to move the tower aside and was

I’m still on board with everything that’s going on, my one mild complaint is that after the “No-oo!” I said aloud as Mobius got the stick ... the show turned around and did the same to Loki, thus removing Mobius’ shocking “death” as possibly reversible. Mobius went out on a Jet Ski quote, it was a great character

The most interesting idea in “The Nexus Event” comes right at the beginning, as Loki tries to comfort Sylvie as asteroids hurtle towards them: The thing that makes a Loki a Loki isn’t a godly sense of entitlement or even a trickster’s mischievous, it’s that they always manage to survive, no matter how many times

I love how this show makes you want to trust Loki, then reminds you that you can’t trust Loki, but then makes you want to trust him again until you get so dizzy that you just stop trying to predict everything and let it all unfold.

I appreciated Loki asking why they didn’t just time travel to the moment before an event and prevent it for that very reason.