Shit at least decomposes and fertilizes.
Shit at least decomposes and fertilizes.
WHOOOP there it is!
It is word salad.
Kirstjen Nielson is a fucking evil monster. Don’t ever, but EVER forget that.
Damn, this was crisp and smart! #commentoftheday
No- I think a lot of people are simply fed up. Pointing out ongoing cultural appropriation and outright theft- and yes, that has happened in cooking- is not having chip on the shoulder. It’s pointing out the truth. And BTW- the people stolen from do get to say it’s stolen.
Part of the controversy is the fact White people- yes specifically White people- have and continue to steal ideas things and people, whole cloth, then profit from it with zero guilt and zero accountability.
All of what you say.
That is honestly the only people who be on it, along with those who have certain neurological disorders.
It really was! That article really transmited a whiff of fear and shock: that Harry *actually* cares about his wife, that he is smarter than previously thought,and is openly exercising privilege in a way that does not benefit them..
“And as reporter Katelyn Burns noted in Vox, there is a sort of twisted logic in TERFs uniting with far-right white nationalist men. “Defending the purity of white womanhood has always been a significant axis of common bigotries, and gender-critical feminism operates in the same fashion,...”
Yes. I read The Godfather on the basis of the movie and I am still struck by how much better the movies are.
1) I am getting dominant, prominent pussy” made into a neon sign.
Oh yeah-I looked up some of the writers and such; so many of them are from the Public School system.
NBC News division but yes, indeed, burn it down.
Okay- so a couple of things:
DAMN. I never bought from her shop as the styles were far too twee and I lived in France at the time, but I did not know she failed people like that.
First: Why is she dressed like that? Even if she is coming back from the gym, shouldn’t she be...dressed?
Have..have you ever seen some of these union contracts for teachers?