
This is the definition of White Fragility. The defensiveness, lack of empathy, and lack of awareness combined with an expectation of congratulations for the bare minimum of human conduct is just on point with White, privileged students who come to college to receive a degree, not to learn.

This was told to me by other red haired people! Maybe something that happens in THEIR family! Although, Henry 8th up above was know for his golden red hair in his youth, but his 30s he was ‘regally bald’ as one person put it (thus he is always in a cap in pictures, with a neatly trimmed beard)

This needs to be a novel or Hallmark movie!

Yikes! Sorry! Possible wish projection there...


He appealed to a very specific demo- early to late middle aged White women- but this was in his youth. He...he has aged.


Late to this, but literally the best response to Matt Lauer’s bullshit. 

Yeah, I think that is a thing with red haired men- they bald by 40. But as long as he doesn’t get obese, I think La Duchesse Suffolk will be fine:


Please see the picture I posted above. Trump’s assaults on Ivana and other women came out and 53% of WHITE WOMEN VOTERS VOTED FOR HIM anyways.

It was very, very real. After all that mess came out in the recordings, Trump supporters literally showed the world who they are, as did the Republican party. It also reiterated that a majority of White women voters are more than fine with sexism and racism, and that they benefit from proximity AND are active in



*shakes head*

I was on Twitter arguing with (women) idiots saying “but County Records show..” and I was all “Are you an actual idiot? This is DESIGNED to look like she resigned/quit-this happens all the time.”

I have learned to expect sexism and misogynoir from other women- yes, from other Black women as well.

He avoided detection because he knew the system is set up to ignore women in general and women of color in particular.


You are right: our market is indeed trash. No house unless it has been fully updated and with very good amenties has NO BUSINESS being 1750 in The ‘Couv. Not at fucking all.