Wouldn’t that only work in one direction?
They don’t make ‘em like they used to!
Sure but it definitely means that you don’t need to know anything about driving on ice and you can tear down slippery streets like it’s a normal day
Depends which way you’re going and the time of day, at least where I live. I find lights are timed with the speed limit to keep the prevailing flow of rush-hour traffic moving. If you’re going the other way, you’re going to hit a lot of lights.
You don’t need to idle your car, but you should drive it gingerly. Remember that the engine isn’t the only thing being lubricated with oil. Differential and gear oils aren’t going to be doing a lot of great lubricating in the cold for the first 10 miles or so.
You win!
Myth: old British roadsters are great.
Myth: people like slideshows
There’s a very dangerous snake in Southern Africa, called the Black Mamba. Well, there are different varieties with different coloration, but everybody calls it the black mamba. Scary stories spread - everybody knows somebody’s friend’s uncle who was chased and bitten and died within minutes. In reality, it’s not a…
Myth: You can get useful and accurate car advice from Jalopnik.
Myth: working on old cars with multiple carburetors is fun.
The one guy who was thrown clear of a wreck and walked away unscathed as his car burst into flames has a lot of nephews.
The nostrils are a bit much. I think the Firebirds looked better from ‘98-02. I had the earlier Trans Am with the beak. Also an acquired taste, but the ‘93-07 Trans Ams looked better than the Firebirds.
I’ll be even more controversial than this. I think they both look fine.
I think you lost VW on ‘affordable’
I was hoping for something closer to this:
20 years since we have seen this from VW.
Who says German luxury cars have no sole?
You have to remember this is a car blog not a bona fide automobile journalism publication.