For anyone not in the know, Bigfoot is a Ford monster truck that was built specifically for its appearance in Road House by off-road experts Bigfoot 4X4.
For anyone not in the know, Bigfoot is a Ford monster truck that was built specifically for its appearance in Road House by off-road experts Bigfoot 4X4.
Yeah, there’s no better comment on the state of Jalopnik nowadays.
Merkur Xr4ti. You always feel the need to put “(sic)“ after it so people know that’s really what you meant. Great car, dumb name.
Wait, why didn’t you just stand it up on end in the back seat? It’s fine for it to be on it’s side for short periods of time.
Step-Bump is far more effective:
Agree, and that’s why it’s the US Legal System and not the US Justice System. Calling it the US Justice system just perpetuates the myth. Not trying to be a jerk, but that kind of thing matters.
Based on the actual composition of biker “gangs”, I’m surprised that the attack wasn’t motivated by a lack of flossing....or maybe not having enough insurance.
That allowed urine essentially to not go into the storage tank, but essentially go into the fan system.
+1. I almost bought one because of the rear-seats. I prefer to sleep/rest in my car (vs a hotel) when traveling. The K900 has a really roomy back seat + reclining seats and full controls of radio, A/C, etc. And it drives pretty well, as you’ve noted.
Was this given out during a car show or something? Because merch =/= swag. And swag is always good.
You just need to find the right ones. Once you do, it’s actually pretty cool.
The seatback issue is insane, but it’s made worse by the refusal of most airlines to actually call out the bad actor and/or make them simply comply with the ticket that they bought. Unless you’re in the very front row, there’s a strong change that someone will recline their seat. If you don’t like the cramped space…
it’s safe to say that you should avoid trying out a similar maneuver while there are, y’know, fast cars ready to squish you
I remember the daily mail article about this truck. I saved all the pics just in case because this is exactly what I’d want.
And that decal is affectionally referred to as “The Screaming Chicken”.
Looking at that, you’d swear it was “designed” by Orange County Choppers.
Classics is the best channel. Skill point multiplier last 2-4X longer because of the length of the songs.