
Nor excusing him. But until YOU find yourself in the exact situation as this engineer, you can only speculate how you would react. Maybe a mortgage, kids in college, and a shaky marriage was the “gun to his head” for this guy.

I’ve had managers tell me to do illegal stuff at just about every job I’ve ever had (or I’ve at least known about illegal stuff they are doing). Saying “No, I shall do what is right, take this job and shove it!” doesn’t pay the mortgage.


Stop trying to confront the Porsche faithful with reason and logic. Religion don’t work that way.

Or throw a S/C on the coyote and make 800hp. fuck balance.

Anyone who doesn’t like this swap is confused about how life works. Concern and disapproval would be acceptable reactions, if you owned said Porsche and someone snuck into your garage to replace the engine. Or, if, ya know, Porsche decided to replace all grenaded small IMSB engines with a Coyote. Then you could play

So, was this the result of an IMS bearing failure, and dude said, “fuck it” to the $14K shitty Kraut engine and went ‘Merican for less than half the price and almost twice the HP/torque? Giddy up buddy, that’s just smart spending!

Think they did, and then said “fuck yeah we should! Why did we even ask that question?"

I don’t think soldering is the right way to do things in automotive modifications and repair. I make wiring repairs to vehicles every day and modify my own cars and my friends stuff outside of work and I literally have never soldered any connections on a car. I only use quality (not the plastic covered autozone ones)

I mean really, if you ask me:

Those are some crazy high insurance rates.

Hey Corvette owner.... we just found the guy who was driving the Dodge^^

Depends on how much patients lied to me that day.

3 units a day for men is the recommended max, 2 for women. That’s in Europe anyway. In puritan America, dunno, none? But all the guns you can eat?

I thought that was a per hour quota i should be hitting.

Might depend on the size of the glasses. If they are these:

You’re not British, Irish, or Russian, are you?

if for breakfast, yes.

I didn’t buy a big truck to compensate, I bought one to match.

You think that’s dumb? I once willingly ate at applebee’s.

Dumber than buying Apple products in the first place?