Patrick Duffy's Padded Toilet Seat

Meh. Brady didn’t give up 42 points and 500+ yards. He still led the team to 27 points. The Patriots going for it on 4th and short multiple times and whiffing hurt just as much as any questionable passes. I do think Brady’s mortality is finally coming, but this loss is on the defense as much as anyone. I also

Even if esports made it into 2024, who the fuck is playing what? No current game would be there. Potentially you’d have future iterations off current games, but we have no idea what the landscape will be, between technology advances and popular titles gaining/falling in favor. It just makes no sense. Not to

I’d have more respect for the Pirates if they had used Reason for return: Spite. When they pulled back from the original claimer.

Everyone knows you don’t bunt against a fat guy with a bad knee. Unwritten rule 305.A. Two rival teams jockeying for a division title elevates this to 305.B where the punishment is a trip to the gallows where old white men aged 75-85 who “Remember when baseball was baseball” enter a lottery to drop the floor.

It seems that having punishment meted out by an independent party helps the league is these shitty situations. A neutral party can be like “nope, he might be a scumbag, but there’s not enough proof to suspend.” and then Rog can be like “awww I disagree, but hey blame that neutral party not us!” You save face in PR,

Why was it so close? Are there that many StL people clamoring for an MLS team? Or do people just check yes every time they have the option? I checked yes when answering my own question so my logic is flawed. 

Marchand might get suspended, but he wasn’t suspended on this play.. even he gets one. He was penalized. This is basic stuff.

I just used my bracket and counted a wrong number. Google wasn’t helpful. I have no idea.

It’s way more. NBA is a weekend. March Madness is roughly a month.

If you take the interim President job at Baylor how do you not make sure you are completely educated on the mess you’re walking into? Baylor is making *Penn State look competent at this point.

30 days for possibly ruining someone’s life is bullshit. Who knows how long he’ll be “not right” from that blow. And he’s possibly permanently disfigured because that guy was a piece of shit. It’s a fucking 3 on 3 local game for fucks sake.

NC just lost tons of money due to March Madness not being there. I’m sure they were hurrr-durrr okay with it on paper until they saw first hand how crippling it was to have no ticket gates, no full hotels for weeks, no restaurant booms, etc. A lot of people lost a lot of money. I’m sure this is more about them vowing

How is this “sorta-bad.” It was dumb and he hit the official in an area that is weakly padded at best. Suggesting that a suspension would be excessive is absurd. He swung a stick at an official. If an NBA player gave an official a “love tap” they’d be ejected and suspended. I love hockey and hate the lack of coverage

Such a dumb move. This was a bubble team.. and guess what? They are playing like one. I wouldn’t like it, but I’d at least tolerate it if Cam/Sweeney had said “make the playoffs or you’re done.” Instead poor Claude gets canned for not over achieving. Yes, the Bruins have some great players on their

Second time I’ve corrected this, but hey I’m in the greys. It’s the Patriots 9th SB appearance. So it’s Brady/BB’s 5 out of 7, or it’s the Pats 9th. Let’s not take away the slogging the 85 Bears gave New England or gloss over Favre’s win against hem. But it’s deadspin, let’s put more Trump stuff on the frontpage

Tomlin actually walked on to the field during live play and interferred with a Jacoby Jones kick return. This is what was being alluded to, not that because he’s a coach he can do whatever he wants. Tomlin gives no fucks.

What if Goodell didn’t actually duck New England? He was in Atlanta two weeks in a row (LOL Rog.) But what if Kraft was like.. “yeah, owner’s box is full. Sorry bro.”

I liked Yordano for this. I’m not a hurrr-durrr back in my day type of guy either. I was born in ‘85. I don’t promote violence in sports, but there’s too many moments now where someone is wronged and immediately look for a “hold me back” moment rather than just reacting.

Football smart. One of the greatest minds in that regard. His influence ends there. His support (or not) of Trump has zero relevance to the people of Massachusetts. His inadvertent endorsement of Trump (You know he was pissed that letter got leaked) had no bearing on voters in New England.

It’s New England’s ninth Super Bowl appearance, not seventh. It’s Brady/Belichick’s seventh. The Patriots also played (and lost) two more times against the Bears and Packers prior to current iteration of the team.