
This is gonna feel weird, but stick with me, I’ve got a point.

Baller move. Yeah, don’t tell people things will be outside and then just construct a building in an outdoor space. That just makes it inside again! I’ve seen so many restaurants do this - offer outdoor space, then essentially build another building in the street with four walls and a ceiling. You just recreated

i’m pretty sure none of the editors, writers, or anyone else has any resources or say over kinja at this point thanks to the private equity firm that owns them — just be glad there’s still comments at all and it hasn’t been replaced with an auto-playing video ad

I know it doesn’t matter. I’ve written about resolution/FPS/performance at this site many times. BUT sometimes it helps to just say BIG TV in a headline because a lot more people get “Big TV, Bigger Picture.” Later on I explain more finer details and mention resolutions. 

Because not EVERYONE in the world has even the basic knowledge you or I or others might have about PC gaming/tech.

There’s an identical discussion for any adaptation to film or TV - a definitive version of the story already exists, which should make the adaptation redundant. Yet the world is full of beloved adaptations that add something to the original work.

Hopefully that goes to some good mushroom zombie action - I’m kind of tired of the post-apocalyptic “people are the REAL monsters” angle.

this game was too hard for me to beat, so I’m excited to watch it! 

My master plan of buying this game on a Black Friday sale 5 years ago, and then never playing it, is beginning to bear fruit.

Aaaaand of course I was halfway through drinking this right at the very moment I found this article, being forced to confront my 2021 privilege and the deprivation that 2008 people had to live with every day.

If everyone starts using it, you’ll have a 150 man lobby entirely of Rook’s.. Kinda dumb from the devs perspectives I’m sure

lol a little salty huh

People discount the advantage you get from skins in games like CoD — I always go for the least noticeable skins possible, any split-second advantage in those kinds of games can make a big difference.

If nothing else, companies should give series a proper ending to protect their IP. A lot of people don’t like watching shows that don’t have proper endings. That makes them harder to sell to streaming services.

Twitter was a mistake.  

At first, I thought you were making a political analogy. 

Perhaps sadder is the condition and future for the SS United States. Since it ceased operations in the early 70s. The ship is the largest ocean liner constructed entirely in the United States and the fastest ocean liner to cross the Atlantic in either direction. But since being retired form active use, she has been

Make the queen pay. Her grandmother built that shit after all.

It’s also not a new story. I read an article on this (I want to say last year?) and she talked about how she came from a super privileged, wealthy background and her embarrassment over her participation in this ball. I’m trying to find it now but every page of google is dominated by this latest news.

There’s really not much of anything here. The headline and the beginning of the story made it sound like Erin from The Office was burning crosses and shit. Nope, she attended some corny debutante ball thing that has a racist past. Most of the US has a racist past.