
She’s portraying herself as a survivor of on-set abuse when she’s openly admitted nothing happened to her on that set. She simply heard second-hand rumors on the part of James Franco and insisted on breaking a contract which would hold up production and cause countless problems to other people’s lives. When the

It’s making a pun on the word “fast.” Sonic’s catchphrase is “gotta go fast,” as in the adjective meaning “quick. Before surgery you generally have to fast, as in the verb meaning “to not eat or drink.

It’s a generational thing because this is what the ‘clicker’ used to look like:

I always liked Life In Aggro even though its panel order logic was something of a mystery at times

Kinda relevant (but still NSFW) Ogalf today.

Manly Guys Doing Manly Things and Gamercat both come to mind. Good times. 

I do miss GamerCat, though. :(

I liked some comics and didn’t like other comics and I don’t understand why you don’t feature that one comic that hasn’t had updates in four years.

“It’s his turn”.

On the plus side, the rest of the family went on to enjoy a four-day overbearing-Dad-less vacation of a lifetime!

When I heard “anime figures” I had the sneaking suspicion that they were suggestively-posed female characters in revealing clothes. Then I saw the name “Vampirella” and my suspicions were confirmed. So yeah, I would personally have a hard time taking a guy who openly displays that in his office seriously. Here’s the

FFX BETA??? IM;??? NUTT IN?G??????

This is an article and website dedicated to pop culture ephemera. Labeling anything here "pointless" is pointless. Including this.

The original script actually did had them get back together, but several cast and crew members were themselves divorced and petitioned to have it changed as they didn’t want to give false hope to children of broken homes.

I saw the movie once when it first came out on home video, and I always remembered it as a silly, far-fetched movie. I watched it again fairly recently with my kids, and was actually taken aback by its intelligent stance that no, some people don’t belong together and are better off divorced. The mom didn’t drop her

You might know Hawkeye as the Avenger with the bow, or the one without any superpowers, or the one who skipped a whole movie and no one really noticed (or cared).

For me Nate’s poor decisions were justified because of the fact that he was under the impression that he’d be saving Sam’s life by going on the adventure, which is why I think he should have been more upset than he ultimately turned out to be.

I don’t feel like he tried to pull them apart just for some gold though. They never really play Sam for the greedy type. You know that he really wants that treasure, but it’s not necessarily about the money as much as family legacy and having an adventure with his brother. Sure, the money’s nice, but I didn’t feel

My literal face the entire ending. Just giant tears. It’s over, Drake is a hot dad, his daughter is a perfect sassy mix of them. Sully and Sam are Tango and Cashing it around the world as crazy grandpa and uncle. There’s a dog and a beach and ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh