So people will be conveniently “eating” throughout the entire showing.
So people will be conveniently “eating” throughout the entire showing.
God forbid anyone can just be surprised or rewarded with something cool anymore, dataminers always have to try to reveal something before it’s ready.
I’m interested to hear this too. Why do you say it’s a gap?
That poor kid is going to be hit hard with survivor’s guilt. RIP.
Wood yew though? *wood yew*??
What about healthcare workers who want to enjoy video games on their days off? “Nice Guy Steve” my ass.
I prefer the one where Tifa is doing the pull-up competition in her blue dress.
Yes!!! I have been demanding this for years, not even a PSN release, I need more people to play this game! I don’t care if it’s Gackt-related or because of “Why” at the end, just make the damn thing happen!
What is this mood or attitude called? I feel very similar and can name a long list of games or shows that I’ve left uncompleted for those same reasons. Because the story still has beats left so I can leave it open, instead of closing the book on it. It’s odd. Is it some sort of psychiatric thing? I love FFVII and have…
Tagged for later info
I don’t think the PS5 will be especially difficult to obtain (except for scalpers). I don’t see as many people jumping ship so soon because of the Pro model that was halfway into the PS4's lifetime. People may be less willing to spend money so soon after the financial hardships of this epidemic.
I’m disappointed to hear about your FF Retrospective not continuing. Your book had some great exclusive behind the scenes info about Uncharted 4 that I haven’t seen anywhere else, so I’d love to see you do the same for the Final Fantasy series. It seems like Versus XIII to XV would have plenty of the same potential!
I’m going to just try to clear everything out. I like the ending to be the last thing that I do, I’d prefer not to jump back into the middle of the story just for a sidequest.
This image is a spoiler, is it not?
The FFVIIR launch probably helped prove this to them. People in Australia and parts of Europe have already beat the game while other parts are still waiting. The US won’t receive it until April 10th. People would surely spoil TLOUP2 for others.
I understand it.. but I’m also still crestfallen and can’t help it. I work in an emergency room and interact with these patients. My nursing school says we may not be able to graduate. I need this light in the darkness right now. Other retailers are able to make street date.
Can I see this tweet? I think you are confusing it with them stating the release date has not changed. That still doesn’t mean our delivery date hasn’t changed..
...are you not able to anymore?
I already lost Joystiq, and then The Last Boss.. if I lose Kotaku too, I don’t know where I should turn for gaming news. Any suggestions?
I think this is great as long as it doesn’t hold back development or ambitions of one title so that it can still work properly on another.