Dark Empire is not canon. You probably know this by now. So it doesn’t apply to TRoS and there is still no explanation.
Dark Empire is not canon. You probably know this by now. So it doesn’t apply to TRoS and there is still no explanation.
It just irks me a bit when people beat a brand new game on release date and whine about how fast they beat yet they didn’t do any side exploration and played on easy..
This is fantastic for XBox owners. I’m kind of infuriated that I’ve spent so much money on Switch versions of these, and XII is still a ridiculous $30...
Now all the people annoyed by these type of comments can read the comments from workers in other fields and realize they’ve made those comments too and can now shut up about it!
I never knew there was a way to Draw more spells in one go, thank you! Then again I haven’t done a full playthrough since 2000..
I’m hoping so too! I can no longer ear dairy so I moved from the Cheesy Gordita Crunch to the Double Decker Taco as it’s just as filling. It’s just beans and a soft tortilla...
Or RedBox?
Series can evolve. It isn’t reinventing the wheel, it just feels like it’s usually the pretty standard fresh coat of paint without a real update to the battle mechanics. If the series are anything to go off of, the battles are never stagnant. People that like turn-based battles can have titles like Let’s Go. Maybe at…
I have hopeful optimism for the game, but the battles look like the same old turn-based slow repetition. Why can’t they use everything from this game with the battle system of Pokken Tournament?
I didn’t know there wasn’t a fast-forward option for FFX. Really makes me re-consider wanting to purchase it (not for $50!). That option has been a godsend for VII.
I contacted their customer service about both of those bugs and they denied any problem. When I gave proof, they just said they’d forward it. How can you deny it when other titles have had the same issue.
This actually makes me laugh. Someone had posted Jax’s ending on 4chan’s video game page who was outraged. I watched the ending fully expecting something about ‘overthrowing whites’ or something to that effect, and it never came. It was about preventing slavery to the colonies and giving people a fair chance at life…
For some reason “Hi, barrel!” had me busting up
But what if it’s just like the boring, garbage ones for GameCube?
To give further evidence, here’s Cloud, post-AC, cured of Geostigma, acting cool under pressure while effortlessly fighting off hordes of soldiers. Not sure why his battle scene was cut but you get some dialogue exchanged and it’s very much the PS1 Cloud we all know and love. Skip to 6:30
Nothing about the Remake trailer made Cloud seem like he does in AC or KH. His responses were exactly as they were portrayed in the original, someone who is just there for a paycheck and doesn’t give a shit about anything else.
You’re accusing SE of purposely stagnating a PC release for double-dip sales, they’ve responded about a PC version multiple times.
What about film actors? Same thing applies.
Technically Rockstar staked their claim on today for a trailer earlier in the week, not sure why Nintendo felt the need to rush it out with an announcement last night.
It’s as if you’re new to video game trailers..