Pillsbury Dopeboy

Listen, these kids might be fucking racist morons, but its also possible one kid was trying to be edgy and funny and the rest followed suit. Its a fucking group text, they aren’t burning crosses.

This was not a “crowded” place. It was private text messages. A public university is bound by the 1st Amendment.

“Short, and to the left.”

Is it laziness? How can you not just lock yourself in a gym during the offseason with a shooting coach. How can a professional not hit at least 70%?

The NFL needs to give this guy another chance, it’s not like he killed five hookers while at SMU.

This beef will remain unresolved, for now.

“We’re going to build a wall. And we’re going to make the Dodgers pay for it.”
- Rockies owner

Here’s Jordan’s performance on the VORP leaderboard over his career:

As long as we can also agree that he didn’t have the highest WAR last season, at all, by any stretch of accounting or imagination. He did lead the league in Bret The Hitman Hart impressions though, and I feel like that should factor in.

Skewed because rebounding isnt important?

The worst year of basketball in my adult life, and it’s not even close.

That's why Robert Horry is second best player of all time right?

Ah, cool, now post a photo of Robert Horry smiling with the larger number of championship trophies he’s won.

So was he saying his mom was a whore for terrorists, like a groupie? Or was she a terrorist herself who did some whoring on the side? Asking for a friend.

I think you missed the central sentence in that almost quote.

Does he know how much that looks like a wig?

Adam LaRoche isn’t like other professional athletes.

Rudy is that a-hole you know at work that complains that white history month should exist since there is black history month.