Pillsbury Dopeboy

They sale me books; they sale me educashin; cheerleders in tite duds... I’m graduate.

When the self proclaimed King of burgers sells its soul and starts slingin’ hot dogs, the burgers natural enemy since birth, you know America is screwed.

Matt should take solace that it wasn’t a Sepp Blatter infection. Would have been much worse.

Eh, I don’t think it was a bad year at the plate for him, judging by his waist size.

Swaggy DNP

So Messi is supposed to be exquisitely aware of the entirely opaque aversion to shoes in their culture (which he is not a part of), but they aren’t expected to understand that he is unfamiliar with that quirk of their culture and refrain from losing their collective shit? Who gives a fuck if someone was offended over

This seems like people wanting to get angry. I understand the insult that could be inferred but the guy is a soccer player. Those shoes are “what makes him famous”. Is this network the Fox News of Egypt? That would explain the outrage.

Come on, Chip. At least hang it on the fridge for a couple days.

Silver lining: The fact that Drew Magary is an invited speaker is proof that the Cal State system is finally taking steps to reel in its out of control spending

It's impossible to listen to more than once, because it hurts. Transcribing is not possible.

$7?? What third world country do you live in?

On the Gawker sites, anything DC is inherently bad unless it’s a TV show. But those TV shows are nothing compared to Marvel shows, which have nothing on Dr Who. Dr Who is the default standard of greatness in TV. The MCU is the default standard of greatness in movies and will never be held to any sort of standard like

this movie is relentlessly grim and gritty and resolutely No Fun Whatsoever

So in your reckoning the only two choices are needing to be jump-started or a traditional power?

The only people who were burned worse by a member of the Michigan football program is any woman who slept with Jabrill Peppers.

Hahaha holy shit are you LaRoche or Eaton? D-riding so hard for this guy it makes you wonder

Well, it’s not selfish in the greedy/financial sense, but come on, the guy’s made 70 fucking million over a mediocre-ass career. So I guess he did the math and decided this weird ego/power trip was more important.

LaRoche claimed that anyone who had any issue with the kid’s omnipresence was welcome to approach him, but how comfortable could they be doing so when he seemed to have the tacit approval of management? I agree with the poster yesterday who pointed out this was handled exactly right. The employees quietly complained

Sox aren’t going to come across well here, even if this kid sucks. I mean my god, this is practically a Kevin Costner movie already.

There needs to be a new word for this. I hate that the word “trolling” is used both for ironic hilarity like this as well as malevolent douchebaggery. Two different things with the same moniker.