Please clizzap.
Please clizzap.
I think we have evidence by now that Trump supporters are incapable of accepting any actual facts or evidence and only believe what he tells them/they tell each other/they tell him. Besides, it doesn’t matter if the venture isn’t profitable. Most of his businesses aren’t, either.
I defy anyone to find a word that better describes Trump’s speaking style than “honks.”
That’s a shame because we all know Wednesday night is business time.
And he would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for those meddling.. wait.
“....Trump needs to hurry and build the wall and send all these illegals back so they won’t be kicking his seat.”
They showed amazing restraint dealing with that guy. I would have been tempted to beat his ass but they did the right thing. Once he gets outed watching him try to mea culpa and whine his way out of it will be satisfying
It’s never the Mensa members, is it? Trying to be photographed while being a racist chud is a great way to get your stupid face plastered all over the internet, dumb ass. Enjoy your lifetime ban from the stadium.
If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball my man
-Joe Biden
Thoughts and prayers are the best we can do, sorry.
I never really thought about this before so I gave it a shot. I’m sad to report that my imagination no longer works because try as I might, the scenarios you present were so beyond reality that I had a stroke trying to visualize them and I am now dead. Please send flowers to my family.
Has there ever been a situation in which Trump hasn’t been weird? I’m not even trying to be funny here. The man is simultaneously deeply insecure and wildly narcissistic. He’s unable to read or emulate human emotions or behavior. He’s a lunatic. Him acting weird is his normal.
though he struggled with the pronunciation of Kuznetsov’s name.
My Tigers tried to lose again but it was great to see them pull it out. I’m hoping they can keep going and maybe even win the championship*.
That first video is college basketball in a nutshell, pretty good passing only because no one can make their own shot reliably and then just chaos because so many players are raw.
That is a great shot from the Getty photographer!
I keep expecting Peter Griffin to give the ol "whelp, looks like it's time to be hitting the old dusty trail" with a stretch
Trash adorned every trail: Starbucks cups, energy bar wrappers, a confusing amount of discarded cold-weather gear.