Pennsyltucky Dreams of America

One of these friends said Ms. Holmes had genuine intentions at Theranos and didn’t deserve a lengthy prison sentence

Yeah this is my problem too. And I definitely don’t a fig about the rich investors who lost money (no way someone with Kissinger’s access to experts didn’t know this was a shot in the dark) but real people were hurt by her actions and their were long term consequences to some of them.

I have a subscription because they are my local paper, but would welcome another option.  Their conservative opinion articles give voice to extremists and they sometimes choose thematic drumbeats (like the one you are referring to above) that are downright disengenous and creepy.  About a year ago, they had a constant

The patients who testified against Elizabeth Holmes are on public record. The NYTimes did not bother to interview them for this “unbiased” profile sourced by her family and friends. What a joke.

No, it is weird and fitting for the New York Times to produce a ham fisted profile for people who like to pretend that they are clever. The article was no more than a bad “on one hand and on the other hand” college essay. It is in no way relevant that she is a mother. That she cares for her dog does not give any

It’s amazing what little research the NY Times author put behind her article other than speaking with “Friends of Liz Holmes” (which sounds like a PAC running ads).

It is weird how obsessed people here get with them, we literally fought a war to not have to care but you now have places having coronation, royal wedding, etc. events. 

Jesus. I am embarrassed for everyone involved in this cosplay for monarchists. Seriously. WTF. Wearing a crown and carrying an orb?!?!! Just take back all the royal booty into the general treasury, give back all the shit they stole from... well, everyone, and run the country as if it were governed by adults, not by

Yeah, I mean they paint him as...exactly the guy he is on air. 

I feel horrible for agreeing with you but I agree. I wanted these to make him look terrible. Some of them are certainly sophomoric, and not things I would say if I, say, had cameras that could be recording pointed at me. 

Tucker sounds like a freshman frat boy who's never had sex. 

asking a makeup artist applying powder to his face if “pillow fights ever break out” in the women’s bathroom. When she says no, he responds “OK...That’d be more a dorm activity.”

I think Media Matters response to the Fox cease and desist order is perfect:

So on-air POS is also a POS off-air. Shocking.

Wait a minute!  If this is all true, this one seems different from the rest.  Like bribery different.  

And if we had a functioning justice system of some kind, he would face consequences. But this is America and laws don’t apply to the rich. 

He thinks that after the republicans throw democracy, he’ll be one of the “good blacks”. Pretty sure he’ll be surprised when they come for him.

Wake me up when anyone suffers real consequences for all this bullshit.  

Correct me if I’m wrong.

Now playing

Haven’t the people of Ireland been through enough