Pennsyltucky Dreams of America

They did indeed. Judge ruled in March that it could be admitted into evidence.

I’m sure he will, he’s just going to have his lawyer do it for him.

I’d try it. Life is experiences.

It’s brought up in the first movie. After fleeing to safety with Jessica, Paul has a vision of his forces rising up and invading the rest of the galaxy, and he hates it.

And Artemis is back, too, and it looks like she and Gail will be in some scenes together. Surely pure chaos with those two, can’t wait.

I hope the jury finds him guilty, and that the financial penalty is severe.

Does there really need to be that much sauce?? I am reminded of our Saturday Morning kids PSA admonition not to “drown your food”. I’m cool with a scant tablespoon. 

What, he’s not going to try to to use the “she’s not my type” defense in court?

PIzzA so Good I wanT to shove it aBOVE my mouth Hole. With all ThREE of my softHUman hands.

Can’t wait for Mary Lynn Rajskub’s return as Gail the Snail.

This is the best guy the GOP has.


Nice! I always liked their little onions and the cheese has a nostalgia factor for me. But the bun was always the worst thing, always seemed stale!

I hope they admitted the Access Hollywood tape as evidence 

Also Rule of Law only applies to other people, never the right winger. 

3a. Have your manservant step in in your stead.

“If I reduce people to politics, how am I better than he is? From now on, I’m just gonna stick to reducing people to their race.”

If I don’t care about those things, if I reduce people to their politics, how am I better than he is?

How White Men Fight: