Pennsyltucky Dreams of America

Sorry, still not signing up to your app, Subway.

Oh absolutely agreed. I just can’t fathom what might have been so awful in those redacted texts that it started a crisis amongst the executives. Who knows if they’ll ever see the light of day, but they must have been rancid to cause them to cut ties with their biggest star.

I suspect this isn’t the end of it either. This guys sounds like he left a trail of slime wherever he went and there are probably mountains of egregious full on racism, sexism, misogyny, etc. etc.

The reporting from the Times last week made it pretty clear that it was related to Dominion. The board and the executives got wind of the content of his redacted texts that had been unearthed in the lead up to the trial, which they very much did not want to come out in public if they got to court. Two days later they

And the part I don’t really understand is Democracy (which the US isn’t) isn’t that far from Socialism (which it isn’t as well).. In fact, most of the best run (and a few of the worst run) countries are Socialist countries..The people IN the government is what makes it bad, not the structure of government..

I think

We’re instructed to persuade customers to use the app to order those sandwiches, but we can still make any of them. They’ll just cost less in the app.

I cant remember the article, but people with lower wage jobs are more likely to live further from their jobs and less likely to work from home.  A per-mile tax will put an additional burden on the less well-off.  Something does need to be done though, it will take creativity.

Another good idea poorly executed. A better and more fair option would be to delete the gas tax and make both types pay a per-mile-driven tax based on weight and size. If you want to encourage ev adoption, keep the gas tax but call it a carbon tax and use those proceeds for healthcare.

Subway is good again. No joke. The new “rotisserie chicken” is so good. Way better than their old sloppy slimy chicken.

I cannot fathom why anybody would pay 10 grand for that bombed out Camaro. I don’t see a single part on that car that doesn’t need to be repaired or replaced. If you’re going to go to all that trouble, you might as well save yourself the money and start from scratch. You can order pretty much every part you’d need to

Because people are scared to death of everything thanks to the 24hr news cycle. That is affecting every aspect of cars, from the fear of getting stuck in snow, getting in an accident to the fear of losing $2 of resale value because you chose an actual color for the paint. And dealers only want to stock what they can

And a micropenis.

Stanced cars.

You just accurately described a certain cult of personality almost perfectly.

Prep is critical,  everything smooth and straight,  everything cleaned of silicone and wax, understand the paint system you are using and apply an isolation coat. When I took an auto body class the instructor brought in a,door and showed where the paint was peeling off because of poor prep. Some body shops will do

Can a quality DIY paint job be attained without stripping to bare metal? Yes. Can someone achieve good results their first time trying? The odds are not great.

It’s pretty easy to repo a Harley - you sign up at the owner’s office as a patient, book an appointment for a filling on a sunny day, and you know they’ll be waiting in the office and the Harley will be out front parked nearest the clinic door.

Can you “stand your ground” against a repo man? Lets go to Texas to find out.

Two words: Coal Rolling.

They are Republicans.... or whatever hate-filled, racist, fearmongering, liars the party has transformed into the last 6 years.