Pennsyltucky Dreams of America

Please Universe, remove this man from this time line.

Man using paying customers to perform open road beta tests of self driving software that is explicitly designed to disregard road laws in favor of convenience has opinions on morality.

Lets make Elon have to create his tweets by hand in the mine, its only the only morally fair way to do it.

I get to sit down all day when I work. Factory workers often don’t. Is that morally wrong? I get to work in a relatively quiet, semi-private environment. Factory workers don’t. Is that morally wrong?

*Trump has entered chat*

Fuck Musk, the sooner that POS fades into history, the better.

Eh, Andor is probably too smart for your average toxic Star Wars fan. They probably tried to sit through the first episode, got confused by all the talking and subtext, turned it off after 15 minutes, and resumed angrily masturbating to Mara Jade DeviantArt pics or whatever those people do on their downtime.


The plan is for it to be piloted by a person at the beginning and then shift to “autonomous operations” after that.

Great now I take back what I said about plastic cladding on everything...well some things anyways. All super cars should have a package like this as an option

So, you’re asking whether right wing nuts are donating to Penny’s fund in greater dollars than people are giving to Neely’s fund? And somehow you think that shows that Penny has the public’s support?

Why would anyone want to ask Tom Cruise about Scientology? It’s not like he’s going to tell you anything you don’t know, and there’s always the chance that he’ll start talking and won’t stop. It’s like walking up to a used car salesman and telling them that you have $15,000 saved up and don’t know what to spend it on.

Until something is done about right-wing hate media such as Faux News and SnoozeMax, people of color will always have a target on them, aimed by the hate-filled crazies that right-wing media brainwashes into being.

Cool. Thanks for not reading past the headline.


I guess my point is that it’s easy to spot on TV, and when images are frozen. I don’t think it’s necessarily as easy in real life. And lots of people have tattoos, I honestly don’t look at most of them in any way that’s more than a passing glance. I probably wouldn’t have seen the ‘SS’ symbols if I had a short

There’s a huge difference between noticing a massive, colorful work of art on a persons back - that’s being actively shown off (and rightly so), and picking out nazi symbolism in a mass of grey-scale tattoo work on the inside of a persons arm.

One of the worst aspects of our current entertainment culture, where a few giant corporations own huge collections of IP and are always trying to find ways to monetize it drive quarterly profits, is that no aspect of a story can just be left alone. We don’t need to know anything about Mogwai beyond what’s presented in

America is BIG. And in the Midwest a lot of it is flat. And obviously, that wasn’t shot on a soundstage. There are a non-zero number of residences that appear, if you frame it right, ‘in the middle of nowhere.’ But there’s also probably a paved road within a couple hundred yards, leading to a main thoroughfare a

i think the reason we aren’t reacting that way is because we like it and think it’s good.