
yeah there is. I use and administrate a bigger enterprise network and i use features you have never heard of quite frequently =)

Where have I seen that before?

For those who have completed all the achievements in Cities: Skylines, here's your next challenge. Get to it!

I am lunging at this thing right now.

Okay, so you call me terrifically ignorant, and then the citation you give is a right-wing website that supports the Anti-Vaxxer movement? That pretty much destroys your credibility right away, but I'll look a bit deeper.

Where do you even get any of this? There is literally zero precedent for anything you're saying.

Republicans = Big Business
Democrats = Small Business

This is just knee-jerk GOP reactionism. A jumble of right-wing buzzwords that are meant to evoke the specter of a threat that does not and has not ever existed.

Come to Canada. We have Aero Bars, Smarties (the real ones, not the awful powdered sugar things Americans call Smarties) and Curly Whirlys. We can also still get "real" Cadbury chocolate. What we can't get anymore are Penguins or that miracle hangover cure Irn-Bru, because Health Canada banned them. I feel your pain.

Come to Canada. We have Aeros and Smarties and we still allow Flakes, Curly-Whirlys and oth

I haven't bought Hershey in so many years. It's laughable to think that keeping Cadbury out will prompt anyone to default to Hershey. I'd rather eat a goddam apple!

Come to Canada. The reason American chocolate is so bad is because US law allows Hershey to cut out cocoa butter and other milk products and substitute cheap gross oils and other emulsifiers. In Canada, you can not pull that shit as Hershey learned the hard way. In Canada, chocolate must contain milk AND cocoa butter

"That's what's called 'balls deep in twink ass' kids, now finish your meal. "

We have listened to your historical documents over the century and feel sorry for the race you call The Cubs......those poor people.....

Maybe you should read the rules for eligibility requirements of films. (Page 2, towards the bottom.)


How about taking on the Catholic Church back in 1991?

It doesn't matter if you approve of this film. Criticize and boycott it all you like. Condemn it from the rooftops. But defend its right to exist.

Because someday, you'll want to say something that others find distasteful, and you'll only have the right to do so if people stand up for it.

So what? I thought the point of the West's free speech principles is that we can counter poor taste with good criticism and - if necessary - public boycott, isn't it? Take this art for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Bed ; If I thought it was awful, incomprehensible, and dumb - and if I had the power - should