
This makes me irrationally angry.


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He probably wadded it up training at his ranch. What I wouldn’t give to have some fun at that place!

the only video we’ve seen of him actually driving shows him behind the wheel of a Rolls Royce, which is built by German company BMW.

- The fact that a man thinks he [can] judge my arms pisses me off

“elite CrossFit athlete”

this guy who shamed someone’s body has an incredibly shameful body and must be shamed immediately

you’re an idiot

What’s your argument here? I never said he wasn’t efficient, and I didn’t say he wasn’t dominant. I simply implied that I didn’t think he was the most skilled player on the court. I took no issue with what management did to put a team around Shaq, and I certainly don’t begrudge Shaq using his size in one of the most

I know this is sort of a semantics issue, but I’ve always taken umbrage with the idea that Shaq was ever the “best” player in the league. He was so statistically efficient because 1) he was bigger than almost everyone else (and at least heavier than 99.9% of players) so no one could stop him going to the hole

Just saw Barkley on Colbert show and he has no filter, like some guys. Difference is, he’s hilarious. Colbert pointed out an unbuttoned button on his shirt and he told him, “Hey, Stephen... my eyes are up here.” It was dumb and hilarious.

I guess they didnt have churros that night.

I fucking hate Shaq; he has absolutely no good insights ever, and Chuck is exactly right to point out he never won shit when he didn’t have a great backcourt player to dish to him

barkley rules, is a legitimately funny person, and has good insight. Shaq sucks, is tremendously unfunny, and just really, really sucks

Not just that, he gets offended to the point that he’ll resort to “yeah, well, I’ll kick your ass” type responses. He did it with Javale McGee, and he’s done it with Chuck tonight. I don’t believe the threats are serious, but it’s embarrassing that he even allows it get to that level.

He gets personally offended about banter. It’s weird. He’s not an idiot but he still doesn’t understand friendly jabs.

I like Shaq, but he’s the type of guy who loves dishing it out and can’t handle it in return. He’s worse at handling banter than he was at shooting free throws.

Dyneaw Ewad

Dwyane Wade