
No. I have never heard of this. I totally understand that you do not want to dox yourself, but can you please at least post a link to info about this that might not call out your own state? This breaks so many rules of doctor/patient privacy that I don’t even know where to begin.

Thank you, just thank you.

I marched in NYC today and I couldn’t have been more proud of my city and all the people who came out to march. The subways were crammed, the streets were jam packed and the march was literally a crawl most of the time, but everyone was fired up and ready to go! It made me realize that though we are facing at least

So is she saying the incoming administration would really like all public figures to give up their right to free speech and submit to Herr Drumpf? How Democratic of you Kellyanne.

Jackson Hole is amazing and has been getting tons of snow—plus there’s a lot of local wildlife to see. Take a day off the mountain and go snowmobiling out in the Gros Ventre and you’ll likely see bison, moose and lots of elk. You can also drive over to Idaho and ski Grand Targhee which is more mellow and mainly filled

Wonderful post.

I just spent the last 10 minutes listening to two men fighting over misogyny and how it changed the election... It was happening outside my window. Seriously.

Technically Jamie Hince (male singer of The Kills) is British, but yeah Alison Mosshart is from Florida and I don’t know what the fuck is up with her fake accent. We were friends in high school and she was awesome when I knew her, but I’ve now heard from multiple friends in the music industry that she and Jamie are

Totally! Making me feel so secure! /s

The Koch brothers and their ilk convinced people to hate government and trust business and that is exactly what you are seeing. In the 1970's there was a huge blowback against corporations—by the mid 1980's, people liked corporations more than government.

One of my best friends is from Pittsburgh area... haven’t even talked with her about it. Now dying to know all she’ll have to say. I’m just on watchdog mode from here on out. Koch industries is recently a supporter of my public radio station and I’m freaked out because CATO talking heads are showing up. I worry

And fuck Scaife. I wanna throw feces at that man’s grave. What he did to the Clintons, his bullshit of pushing family values through the Heritage Foundation whilst he ran around cheating on his wife with a prostitute and basically changed the way (once mostly altruistic) family foundations became boons for right-wing

I disagree. We have to fight as hard as possible. If there is anything that has given me a little hope it’s that workers/activists are really started to stand up and protest and it is changing a few things—like higher minimum wages. If we just sit back and let the Koch trolls run rampant for four years, they could do

I just started reading Dark Money and what you realize right away is that politicians like her have been decades in the making. Everything from how she frames her arguments in a way that sound like her policies would actually help workers to her obvious but oh-so-upbeat disregard for the truth—this is all been

I am so excited too! McCrory finally had to admit that everything he and his cronies tried to do to rig the NC election failed. It really warms my heart!

Oh, so you’re not funny. Got it.

Who is Robin Hood in this scenario? Obviously we know who the Sheriff of Nottingham will be.

The article in the NYTimes today about the debate suggests he might do just that. The article also has a fantastic ending where Hannity goes full Hannity.

This might be the first election in my lifetime that calls for putting a straw in a box of wine before watching a presidential debate.

I melt like butter on hot grits when Barack looks at her with those goddamn how lucky am I eyes. And she deserves it every damn time.