
He really is.

Jon Lovett is probably why I listen to the podcast—I feel as despaired as he does most of the time. But one thing that does annoy me sometimes is that they talk about the election like it’s a game.

Concur! I go by a nickname—it’s not even in my real name. What the hell my parents were thinking when they did this to me is incomprehensible. Whenever an acquaintance or new friend finds out my “real name” I have to spend like 20 minutes explaining why I go by a nickname.

Or just lock him in the tanning bed. I’ll donate to either cause.

Like most things Trump.

Seriously. I do not know how to dig through the thought garbage that is your words.

Of course.

Ooooh—I’ll share. I moved into an apartment that I shared with a friend and her longtime boyfriend. My friend had to move CA temporarily. She was gone maybe a day or so before he brings HOME the girl he’d (apparently) been cheating with and they had loud sex that kept me up like half the night. The next day he asked

“Well what are you saying Anderson? Have you not seen Donald press a bench. I have. I have seen him do curls. I’ve seen him lift lots of things. Though you know who should be glad that there were people around who could lift things? Hillary Clinton. I saw a lot of people lifting her on 9/11. But you know the one thing

But his arms are huge and beautiful, they are gorgeous arms and powerful. Very powerful arms. When those arms move, big things happen. Big calories burned. Bigger calories than other calories. The best calories.

Are you being serious? And even if you are not—this needs way more stars.

This. So much this. I was listening to my favorite radio show (Brian Lehrer on WNYC = the best) and he was doing a recap of the history of abortion legislation in this country—and who is President matters a whole lot. Under GW, these are a few frightening things that happened:

The women don’t get out of line. The haters get out of line. That’s how he knows the difference.

But he loves the women. He’s gonna do so much for the women.

How do I live without you... Mr. President? Dangit Barry.

Oh my god. I love Field Report. Tonight I’ll sleep in their band t-shirt while dreaming of Prince and I going to see them together.

Oprah had done it before with people who didn’t want to be interviewed. Every talk show does make B role in case the person backed out. It’s standard practice.

I totally agree with you. But to many Oprah is a huge force and she could have done more.

Except that Oprah could have realized what Erin was going through and made her producers make a back-up plan where if Erin still seemed too resistant, Oprah could have insisted that she not go on to do the interview and instead run reel tape of what Erin had gone through, had a psychologist on to discuss what happened

Having, by her account, successfully strong-armed a crime victim into doing something she didn’t want to do in the service of reassuring people that she actually was a victim, ESPN eventually allowed her to go back to work.