
Ok- while I really want to say f*ck off on that comment about tigers in captivity, because when I see some of the "zoos" in China, I want to attack them with death rays and free all those starving tigers. I see your point about a lot of animals that are overlooked. That's like the black footed ferret, which was just

I had the exact opposite. I was like, "Get her!" I love predators...

I just don't understand why this brilliant male writer left out gay men in his assessment. I mean, ain't they just like the ladies falling in love with Paul Ryan's baby blues? Oh, gay men have an agenda, you say? Ah yes, and they have time for all that since we women need to work and get home in time to make dinner.

Jake Gyllenhaal.

Uh, I think we have actually seen how our Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reacts, which is: Marriage ain't perfect nor is my husband, but I'm in this for the long haul and I'm not going to demonize these women. I'm bigger than that holla! I'm an empowered woman who can make my own life decisions—not have public

That was one of my favorite moments. Obama basically showed how radically right Romney's rhetoric is. Mittenz is trying to go all center right now that he's in the general election and Obama called his shit out.

Get whatever you need to do done then, cause it's gonna implode. He acted like women working was this crazzzzy new trend!

Don't feel silly. I'm sure she has real opinions on linguine versus angel hair and she's just dying for you to ask her.

Yeah this. Whenever people say, "But Bush didn't drink." I'm like, who the hell chokes on a pretzel and falls down the stairs. True, Bush was basically a well dressed man child, but even he had to be drunk for that to happen. Why didn't they just say he tripped?

That's what I guessed. I had a pitbull/lab mix and she looked just like this. The coolest thing is that they cock their heads when you talk to them, so it feels like they really are listening and thinking about it. "Wanna go for a walk?" She sits down, cocks head to the right. "Walk?" Cocks head to the left like she's

Now playing

Tho I want to shoot myself for saying this — try to get outside, go for a walk or run. Exercise can really help. In the mean time: Baby wolf howl!

I had a guy disappear on me once. It was so devastating, so different than any other break-up I've ever had. That frustration of not knowing why, what happened, it completely fucks with you. It took me a long time to just realize that I did nothing wrong except choose to date an asshole. We all know people can hide

What was your first thought when you found out you'd be set free?

YEAH! Just keep typing.

Start small. Work on a short story or try to write a recreation of a big event in your life. Then go read Grace Paley! Or Amy Hempel. Both are amazing writers who never wrote novels.

I understand how you feel. I work out on the regular. I sort of wish the cigarettes took more of a toll. I'm in my thirties as well. I recently went out to drinks with coworkers who I'm not close to, and when I said I was going to step out for a smoke, they were all shocked because they thought I was so healthy and

I know. I just had the same thing. Waking up next to someone really rocks. That said, a guy I'm seeing texted me a photo of his rescued golden lab tonight and I about died. So there is more out there. I met get to wake up to a guy and a golden lab soon!

All writers feel this way. As one of my professors once said, "Write the shitty first draft." Just "butt in the seat" is half the battle. Write on! That said, when you get sidelined, just read.

Let me know how it goes. I planned to quit in September then a ton of life things got stressful. But my best friend asked me to be a godmother to her new baby and specifically stated that she would like me to quit by the time I hold the little guy in church. I know it is because she loves me, not because I'm ever

Get a fake ID.