
I have a similar tale. I was babysitting a friends car. We had huge snowstorm. I could not get the car out of the spot on the street. The guys that work in the motorcycle garage on my block fucking towed the car out using climbing rope! I tried to give them money or beer. They would not take any of it. People are

Oh! You're fine. If he wasn't limping then you were way ahead of the game. It is so hard to know when our furry ones are in pain. And the fact that you have a vet that you know well enough to call after hours shows that you're an awesome mom! Give him lots of love and epsom salts. Not to make this weird, but wolves in

I feel like if a friend is setting me up with someone, they usually disclose the main details and a wheelchair would be a pretty big detail. That said, at least give him a chance. Maybe he doesn't want anything serious either. Just because he's disabled doesn't mean he's needy. We all like sexy times!

I've been told I sort of look like the wife from The Firm, but if I could have my way it would be Parker Posey!

If you have a chance you should read the New Yorker story by Jill Lepore about the history of political consultants and political campaigns. It makes it unbelievably clear that what Republican consultants have done is just slap down on the fear button over and over. Used outright lies at times to tap into the

If your wedding is serving a full bar, no one will care if you're gone by 9 PM. Do the dances, listen to the speeches, then hightail it while your guests are getting snookered.

OK- I think there is obviously a generational gap happening between you and your mother-in-law and your grandmother. First off, announcing your pregnancy on FB is pretty much par for the course these days—as is announcing the birth. It is an easy way to let your wider circle of friends know. Second, I feel like my

I guess I'll just start wearing a strap-on when I sit at home alone and illegally stream college football games and drink PBR.

Yeah, you know you've got a serious douche on your hands if they are bragging about their girlfriend's age as if it's a badge of fucking honor. Oh, she's 28! Well that obviously means you're dating a fuckalicious PhD candidate who can wax on about Monet while also giving phenomenal fellatio. But now if she was 29,

Agreed. I posted above about my last experience with a total perv on a plane. I seriously don't get why guys act like we've sidled up next to each other at a singles mixer just because we are seated next to each other on a plane. No, I was REQUIRED to sit by you.

Totally agree. I always find that older white men traveling alone are the worst. The last time I flew, I had a window seat and the 40-ish guy in the aisle seat next to me kept stretching his neck out to look out the window. Like his head was completely across the arm rest. I finally asked if he wanted to switch and he

I know she's a martini drinker. And in my dreams, we order dirty martinis, bitch about Palin and worry about how fast that Sasha is growing up. Then she compliments my TOMS.

It doesn't matter. It just shows how ridiculously screwed his campaign is if they're resorting to this. That ad is the silliest thing I've ever seen and I can't wait to see how The Daily Show or Colbert Report parody it.

What do they say Obama is lying about now? I can't even begin to bring myself to watch that show so thank you for taking one for the team... Now please report back.

I don't think so. Tho it would be fun to chalk it up to that.

True. Hurts a bit, but probably true. I was his first ever OKC date and I literally wanted to shake him and be like, "I'm your first? You got no idea how lucky you just got." I went on so many horrible OKC dates before I figured out how to navigate the system. He got an awesome night and a whole lot of drunk kissing.

Glad to hear that you're having the same issue re: messaging. Is it just that way more people have signed up? And yeah, I did text both of them after. One responded just saying he wasn't ready to date again (thanks for getting on a dating site then asshole!) and the other just didn't respond at all. I've definitely

Sorry, I know two guys does not a pattern make, but it just feels over all like OKC is not my friend any more.

Both said they were. And both really pursued me. Even to the point that one promised to pay for everything on our date, which I could give two shits about.

So I'm a total fan of OKC. I've met great guys on it. Had LTR's thanks to it. But lately I'm totally baffled by it. I recently went on dates that went great then I never heard from the guys. In both cases, I was the one who ended the date, who was like, "Yeah, this has been really fun but I need to go home now." We