
I love Epcot Mexico as well. One of my old college buddies and her husband used to do exactly what you're describing. It sounded so fun, I almost flew down to accompany them.

Try to stay at the Polynesian—if you must stay at Disney. It's sort of awesome, and as one commenter said, they have a nice beach and good cocktails. If your kids like video games, the Contemporary has a sick arcade. Do not stay at Disney if you cannot afford a hotel on the monorail!

That is really true. I'm sure you've heard how they handle kidnappings. It's in a lot of business safety textbooks now. Disney is pro at security. (That said, I bet that NYTimes article about the dude and his friend finding all the secret pot-smoking spots at the Magic Kingdom made steam come out of their ears.)

I hadn't read your comment (or even the whole article) before I posted mine. And, well, uh, I might know the Mickey-throwers. And I once had to kick a few of them and their keg off my lawn.

Per #9: Went to high school in Florida. We had a Senior Night where the seniors got to go to Disney World after hours. The year my class went, our school had just got off a three-year ban from attending Senior Night. Why were we banned? Oh, cuz a bunch of our football players sneaked alcohol in, got wasted and threw

Tip to parents who never went to step foot in Disney. When we were kids, we stayed at the Buena Vista Resort that offered free van service to Disney. They brought our babysitter or one of our older cousins who would take us to Disney while my parents sat by the pool or played golf. The Buena Vista also has a badass

What sucks is that now they will start vetting young people, so the potential for someone else to do a great troll is gone. He sort of screwed it up for a real talent to pull this off.

You're obviously forgetting he lived in France—where they had no proper bathrooms.

Yep. She's amazing. In case anyone was still wondering...

Even dumber was the next day's slogan: We can change this. (The Daily Show did an awesome takedown on it, as well.)

Arctic wolf pup FTW

Hearing a wolf howl for realz is the greatest thing on earth. Seeing one? Well that is just off the charts.

This is a day old, so I'm sure I won't get responses. But are there any statistics about how many people are willing to adopt a baby that is a product of rape? This has been on my brain lately. I'm trying to put myself in the shoes of people who are desperate for a child and figure out how I'd feel, and I just have so

I hate Tim Tebow with a passion. I want to a rival college and I got so tired of his bullshit Bible psalm eye make-up and his winning for Jesus crap and THEN he did those weird anti-abortion ads and I was thinking of hiring a hitman. But I'd still never wear a t-shirt that said something like this about UF. But

Cue NYTimes piece.

Now playing

That isn't a howl. That's a woof or a yelp forming. No throat-stretching was involved. You wanna see a howl? Check this shit:

Yeah. Check yourself for evil DNA.

All right boyz. At ease.

Everyone needs to recharge.

I worked at a Hearst pub and saw HGB coming into the Tower on the regular. She had to be helped in by her driver (who she would totally flirt with—it was adorable) and her walk was more of a shuffle and her lipstick would be askew (tho damn I give her credit for still bothering with makeup, I don't and I'm only 33),