
Exactly. And Fast and Furious was totally an Obama administration attempt to take away your guns. It's a fact. Don't let liberals lie to you.

There was a good piece in the NYTimes about this after the Alec Baldwin incident that said it might actually be more dangerous to have people powering up their devices all at once. Also, that there is no proof that it is dangerous in any way for people to be using their devices during take-off and landing. It's just a

1st Gen makes it. 2nd Gen invests it. 3rd Gen spends it. 4th Gen is just f*in useless. That was the old saying, now I feel like it is just straight up—1st Gen makes it. 2nd Gen is just f*in usless.

I know it's like you'd think they'd be a little less flamboyant and a little more secretive about it when so many people are struggling, but nope. They only bother to hide their wealth when they're running for office.

It just annoys me. So much about traveling is annoying these days and I think this is just one more straw on the camel's back for me.

Thanks for the info. I've heard varying reports, but thanks for not just being a complete overbearing jerk about it. I now feel much more informed. That said, I still feel like landing a plane is your job and I'm sure you feel the same.

No. It would not. But my brother signed up to be a Marine. And did anyone clap when he carried out a mission? Didn't anyone clap when he guided a line of oil tankers through the dead of night in Iraq? Did he get a standing ovation when his team detected an IED? Oh, get off your god damn high horse that you land a

Exactly. And no one who wrote an article about drinking underage would come under this kind of scrutiny, though that is an illegal act as well, but an accepted one.

Oh this! This always annoys me. Does anyone stand up to clap when I turn in an assignment? No, because it's my job. I remember back in the day people would occasionally clap if it was a particularly turbulent flight/landing, but now it is every damn time. And second—don't the planes pretty much land themselves and the

I pretty much know the answer to this, but I went to a Lucinda Williams concert the other night which I feel turns all clocks back to reset. I miss my ex way more than I ever want to admit, but I did such a good job cutting him off that all I have is FB. How sad is it if I send him a message that way?

LOVE ARYA! She should rule the Kingdoms. And Anywho should have a speedy recovery.

OMG. So true. Dying to know how they hide April's obvious meth problem.

No. I get that you're an asshole, and she has a gold medal. So I'm waiting for you to tell me where you get the right to say what shout outs are okay.

Maybe she wanted to point out the fact that someone she loves is in jail, i.e. that you can also achieve Olympic dreams even if you have relatives in jail. She comes very a low income background, and I think she wants people like herself to know that anyone can become an Olympic gold medalist. I guess of course it is

Or one of his prodigies. Girl is the real deal. But seriously that quote makes me just think "F*ck men." How does that guy know who protected the cave? Bet there were some prehistoric women that could kick some serious saber-toothed tiger ass.

How do you know? What if she feels that person shouldn't be in jail or loves that person in jail despite their crimes? Seriously fuck you. I've had relatives go to jail. I don't approve of what they did, but I don't stop caring about them.

Or Claressa Wins It All! But +1 to you!

Yup. That's how I knew about her. She is truly inspiring and a great Olympic story. Psyched she won! Wish I'd streamed the match. The main quote-y thing she says over and over is "I'm always looking for my next challenge." Next challenge indeed! Dying to know what she'll do.

And she just looks so photoshopped. I mean, I know the woman is super thin and gorgeous, but damn in that second one, they photoshopped out her hip bone and her ribs! Her hip bone and skeletal ribs. Both make appearances in the third and fourth photos. WTF?!

Yeah, that was sort of weird. People have these things as pets? Do they ever get to go inside? Can't imagine the kind of havoc a kanga could reek on a dining room.