
Dude, that Lemur has ups!

Yep. Gave to PP this year and will continue to do so. That said, I've never really given to SGK, the whole pink marketing thing really started to drive me mad, especially when I worked in the magazine industry and our office got flooded every year with pink crap. It just seemed disingenuous and the amount the

Just unzipped a pair of jeans to sit down and respond to this. And now that is all.

Just wanted to comment hate on Tebow. He's really starting to look like a bear, ain't he? NYPost, please find him in a gay bar. That is all.

David Axelrod, are you there? It's me, Margaret.

Of course! I wasn't saying you shouldn't work out too. Just saying that diet is a very integral part. I'm totally pissed at myself lately because even though I've been working out (I ride my bike to work, go to gym, etc), I've been eating like crap and I currently can't fit into three pairs of jeans. Totally pissed at

Working out is important. But diet is what really gets results. Two small things that make a difference almost right away: Start eating high fiber cereal for breakfast and cut out any and all soft drinks (even diet) and just drink tons of water.

Thanks for that. I wanted Curiosity to land and start snapping full color videos and photos instantly. Rip off the dust covers, let's do this! I wasn't treating her like the lady she is... she needs time.

I hope she finds Wall-e.

I'd settle for a Twitter account.

Just love the line about how Anzac is social while Peggy is cheeky and I swear those pics look staged.

I was a flower girl at my cousin's wedding. In my defense, we only rehearsed entering the church. So after my cousin and her husband got married and turned to make their way back down the aisle, I broke free of the bridesmaid's hand and zoomed in front of them. I figured if I led everyone in, I had to lead them back

It sounds like Biolady and I have the same type of hair. I've cut it off and grown it back a ton of times. Never any problems. Right now I want to chop off all my hair again except my guy friends FREAK out every time I mention it and I'll admit that being single and on the market, I'm definitely swayed by their

I haven't read all the comments, so I don't know if this has already been posted. But I think part of why women hate Mitt and his attitude is that we are much more aware of income inequality. Study after study shows that single mothers are much more susceptible to falling down the income chain, while men are not. I am

That would have been epic!

Oh, goshdarnit, I just love the young fella! Gonna go get a pop now. Go USA.

He's talking about a middle class worker that makes closer to $100,000 a year (and yes, that is middle class) and normal to upper middle class people who own small businesses. And he also makes clear that if more people don't join the middle class and don't make a lot of money than businesses don't sell anything. You

Do you think Ann would have let the other guy win the flower show?

I think it's just a little different in that the Clintons were a political powerhouse and Bill had quite the American dream story since he came from almost nothing and became a governor. Plus people say Bill is one of the most magnetic men that you'll ever meet. My dad, a Republican, went to a fundraiser luncheon for

They give 10% to their church, which they consider a charity. That's apparently their excuse for not giving more to charity. A lot of people don't consider the Mormon church to be a charity (raise my hand), but they do. Just one more reason I can't stand them.