
I was raised in privilege too and I have to admit I was pretty oblivious for a long time because everyone at my private school and my country club had as much or more than my family. Then I switched to public school. (My choice, I hated my private school.) Eyes. Opened. I knew a kid who only owned one pair of pants.

I think my father has finally come around to the "I don't like it, but whatever" party. But don't get me started on what he thinks about Obama.

No. A lot of them are our relatives. We know they are full of crazy hate, but we blame Fox News and buy them Christmas gifts and don't ask for their political opinions.

Because we elected an amazing black man to be President and the crazy white right fringe decided to fight back on any level they could. So they brought out their old trusty talking points: abortion is evil, same-sex marriage is wrong, gun rights are sacred, unions ruin everything and religion. And made up whatever

I'm glad I'm hearing this argument. I've barely watched any Olympics this year, this was the first thing I've really seen and I'm just blown away. How this does not get a 10 reminds me why I couldn't really watch this year: The Hunger Games ruined me on the Olympics. I feel like they are all tributes. At this point,

Agreed. Let's all just treat him like a hot water boy-toy. God knows the dudes over at Deadspin are doing the same for all the female Olympians.

No you are not! White jeans are in style right now. My only problem with some is they are basically see-through, but I found a great pair that aren't. Wear your white jeans with pride!

I'm pale and have dark hair and I've gotten compliments on my white jeans. Why you hatin' on brunettes?

Greatest hed ever. Nearly spit out my wine laughing.

Nailed it!

Fox News headline about this: Obama Supporter Infiltrated Romney Campaign, Details Still Emerging

True. Romney has neither the "beer buddy" factor or the "happy jokester" thing that Bush employed so well. It's like you knew Bush was an idiot, but he seemed like a harmless and happy idiot. He was neither, but at least he looked it. Romney just looks like a bored rich, mean dude who, as he has admitted, has no

Yup - that's Ellen and Portia on their big day. Heart.

That's what I think. And I watch a lot of Law & Order—so I must be right!

I don't know about that money thing, remember when her dad offered her money and she said, "You can't buy me." The rental car situation was weird though, but I wondered if she wanted to drive back to her old neighborhood and have a little freedom from her parents. I don't know if she was entitled as much as incredibly

Mittenz does not know this pedestrian thing you call the internetz. He gets all his information from faxes and print outs straight from the sweating hands of servants. "The Google" you say? He owns stock in it, but doesn't really know what it is—the stock is in a blind trust after all.

Bring on the debates! Romney is going to come off as such a douche, it'll be wonderful. He probably won't even be able to get a joke out without Anderson Cooper being like, "Time!"

Yeah. She has weird fashion choices. Remember the bird shirt? http://jezebel.com/ann-romney-bird-shirt/

Romney said he had concerns over the Olympic security detail because the private company hired to do security royally screwed up. (GREAT FACT: the CEO of the security company was named MR. BUCKLES!) Cameron basically replied that he's trying to do the Olympics in a big, bustling city, while Mittens did it in the