
I know. It really makes no sense. We know Mitt owns fancy horses. If he skips the dressage event, does he think we're all gonna forget that he's super rich and owns fancy horses? Plus people like animals, he actually might seem a little human petting a horse or cheering on a horse.

Really! He should go to say thanks for the $77,000 tax write-off if nothing else. Horses get no respect. Nor does Ann Romney apparently.

Look into joining a volunteer organization or book club (esp one that drinks wine). Could help, did for me.

As a super nerdy girl who is friends with a bunch of super sporty guys—they are not as cool as you think they are. Plus, they value a girl who is funny a lot. Remember, they are looking for a partner who is awesome to be with all the time!

Agreed. (MoRex, are you my alter-ego?) I've been on OKC dates where I could see right away that the people were just trying to get over an ex. Don't be that. Fixing your heart is never an easy business. If only we could hire mechanics for that.

Bravo! You've restored my belief in HR.

I really like OKC, but I do want to strangle that staff robot. That message above was a great example of why he should die. Thank you!

AWW. Thanks.

"Kermit! Kermit!" Miss Piggy yells as she is pulled off the fry station. "They say we can make babies."

Thank you.

I got my teeth professionally whitened. The one thing no one tells you about that, it f*ing hurts. Like seriously painful. I'd never do it again. I do use the strips and stuff to maintain it tho.

Agreed. If it isn't going well or you feel any weirdness, just say it was nice to meet them, shake their hand, walk. I used to get nervous before OKC dates, now I just go out knowing that if I'm not enjoying it, I'mma gonna leave. And on happy side, I had a great third date with an OKC dude on Saturday that turned

Death by hair dryer! Sorry he was a dick. I've been really lucky on OKC, other than one dude being completely trashed when I showed up for the date, the rest have been fine. Not always a connection, but good conversation. Don't let this ruin it for you.

I stopped watching Sopranos because of the violence. After that episode where Paulie kills his stripper girlfriend, I'd had enough. That scene where he forces her to give a blowjob while he also gives her anal—I just couldn't handle it. And I'm speaking as a women who saw Monster. I know horrible things happen all the

Agreed. I'm sort of shocked to know the GOP will end any witch hunt against the Democrats, especially if it involves a Clinton.

I was only 17. Laws might have changed by now (to prevent this), but I had to sign papers. My parents are wonderful people by the way and I adore them. My mom grew up poor, but once you're in it all, your whole outlook changes. I think people really nail it on the head when they say Romney just doesn't understand why

Oh, there are all kinds of ways they get around paying taxes and protecting their money. Most of their "vacation homes" and those Leer jets and (ahem) dressage horses, they write off as business expenses. Claiming residency in a non-income-tax charging state like Florida is par for the course. Putting assets in shell

Most people do. Where have you been? Ann doesn't make all that many TV appearances (except on Fox) cuz she's pretty horrible at it and when she dropped that bomb it blew up pretty quick.

Criminal being the key word there.

I just want the Obama campaign to keep the pressure up on this. Don't back down. Demand those tax returns at every chance they get and in every stump speech. I really believe there is something illegal (or close enough to shock people) in those returns. My parents are close to 1% and I know some of their friends have