
That I completely agree with. My comment about Salon was one to those who are crying foul about Husted's "patch", as Salon is not one to easily dismiss allegations of election fraud by conservatives as they tend to write with a liberal bias. The fact that they dismiss claims, to me, gives more weight to their

If Salon disproved this was some GOP voting conspiracy, then I tend to discredit other sources saying it is. Salon is one of the most left-leaning news sources online, so it says something that they don't think something fishy is going on.

Hi! What would you like to know?

I invite you to take an introductory I/O class because it seems to me a guy on lifehacker.com isn't going to convince you that these tests or selection tests in general are useful. The best way to understand would be to educate yourself about the field, so I encourage you to do so. One of the biggest differences

Just letting you know, as an I/O psychologist whose field is in selection testing, personality tests have consistency scales as well as "fake-out" questions to determine how consistent your answers are and if you are trying to game the scale itself. If people answer the measure inconsistently or there is an indication

Why haven't they capitalized on this name yet?!

Screw The Walking Dead....I'm getting back my Bridezillas!

It's the poof that makes it look so damned ridiculous. Cover the poof up with your hand and it looks a thousand times better.

All I can gather from this is that Eddie Murphy is one sick asshole.

I can see it now "Pardon me do you have giballon and half giballon milk, and what aisle?"

I think the existing concept of putting the bed over the desk would work better, especially in the case of multiple children. In the above picture you would have light shining right into one kid's eyes at any point and shuffling feet and rolling casters just a few feet from the sleeping one's head. I think, however,

I use these mechanical pens exclusively unless I am signing something. Cheap, reliable, and.....cheap!

I split rent with my girlfriend, our rent is $650.

Although I love the customization of the Aeron, I hate how it feels sitting in the chair. The seat is essentially elastic mesh, so bigger, taller, and larger people sink into the center; being 6ft 3 the frame cuts into the back of my legs.

Sorry, but unless they can compete with the Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire in terms of pricing I don't see a single reason to purchase a Mini-Pad.

We already have half of the population with their pants on the ground showing off their name brand boxers anyways, so why not?

At first I thought the title said "When the Gizmodo Staff Finally Gave Up".

I use my old HTC Hero as an MP3 player/Wifi device. I try to save the battery on my phone as much as possible.

I have the K750 (non-Mac black version) and I love it. I even use it for gaming. It's a little misleading that it is solar, because while it IS solar, the solar panels actually charge a non-removable battery pack so you can actually use the keyboard in complete darkness for days.

VOTE: Swype