The reason is that we don't select our mates solely on whether or not they have hair.
The reason is that we don't select our mates solely on whether or not they have hair.
They need to work on making bicycle helmets look less stupid first. The majority of people look like they have a slashed football on their heads.
Exactly. The keyboard is what drew me to the Prime, but it still has the limitations of being an android tablet. The only way you can use actual windows programs is to use a program like Splashtop or TeamViewer. Sure, it works in a pinch but what about those times I don't have an internet connection?
The one thing that Microsoft has going for it in this case is the ability to run full programs instead of single-purpose apps. For instance, instead of having to try to find an app clone of excel, I can just use excel itself. Even better, if I need to use a stats package, I can do that!
"Look at this stylish piece of wood. Only $200."
Maybe your drink sweats a lot because you insist on putting it on top of your radiator.
Perhaps, but it is still misleading to show iOS 4 versus, say, 4.0.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2 and so forth because that is, by definition, fragmentation.
Looks like 9 4x4's that were sanded down to five it a cylinder shape.
$20-50 dollars in lumber, a few wood screws, and resell for $500? Ok.
I love how they put only iOS 4 and iOS 5 but break down Android into 2.2 and 2.3.
I still want to see them. If someone told me that they had naked pictures of Aretha Franklin, I'd want to see them too. You know why? Because it's there.
Um, I believe that says "Darlie", lol.
They still won't be able to find my house.
It's a solution in search of a problem. Anyone with a set of keys can open a box no problem.
What if they gave you value and performance...and it was pink?
This doesn't bode well for my girlfriend, who absolutely loves pink tech accessories.
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I used to play games online a lot more and at that time I got netflix on the 360. I no longer play games (maybe a few times a year), but my only avenue (until I got the TV) was to watch netflix on the 360.
It has always rubbed me the wrong way to have to pay $5 a month for Xbox Live Gold and then my Netflix subscription, when I hardly ever play online games anymore. I have considered many times getting a box like a Roku, and ended up getting a TV with built-in Netflix.